Another Narrative to C0VID-19 & What to Do if Your Corporation or Institution is requiring the V@X?

Okay, warning, this blog will ACTIVATE some people, yet I feel CALLED to address it.

THIS IS NOT an email of debate; this is a message that has come through as I have received at least ten questions online and many questions about this in my personal life.

AS SO many of you in this online community work for a corporation or are in school, and there are many concerns about the new d3lta c0vid and if you are being required to receive the v@x yet really do not feel called to get it.


So the question becomes, “What do I do?”

AS I have pre-existing health conditions, and from my internal beliefs, I do not and will not feel called to get the v@x ever. However, this is not about me; I’m just offering my background as a point of reference. And my expertise in holistic healing as I have been a guide FOR MANY people to heal from trauma, their body, cancer, etc.

One - HEALTH is an insider job and is a mindset just like everything else in life. Our body carries a wisdom that is SPEAKING to us all the time, yet often we don’t listen to it. This is called our GUT brain - when people say listen to your gut - yet often we override this feeling to be included, to not be kicked out of their community, to be isolated. In this, we end up betraying ourselves, and this taxes the body, and over time betraying ourselves to be included, significant health issues occur for us.

So how does this relate to c0vid?

C0vid relates to the lungs, which is near the heart chakra, and this symbolizes a deeper meaning that the world is being asked to OPEN her hearts, to LIVE embodied from our hearts, INSTEAD of our mind which many of us have done, because that’s how we’ve been taught to survive. Yet the truth is to live a SUSTAINABLE life; we must be operating from the heart. And if for whatever reason, the pain in our heart is so deep, we’ve betrayed ourselves over and over again to fit in, to live a life where we cannot fully be all of who we are, dis-ease will manifest. THIS IS #science.

Now, if you read about this time in ancient scriptures, this has been predicted. This is not some “unknown” thing; this is part of us EVOLVING from the agriculture & industrial revolution into the technology & space revolution. We are moving from a tangible world to an intangible world where the experience we offer in the business is OUR PRODUCT, way of trade, communication, and contributing to society however we chose, instead of just a TANGIBLE OBJECT.

We are TRANSFORMING into being a new type of human species, different DNA, and another paradigm of living. We will have TWO different kinds of humans living on this planet and two parallel worlds existing simultaneously. So the new d3lta variant, there’s nothing to be afraid of - as long as you begin to LISTEN to your body, hear the nudges, follow your gut TO TAKE FOLLOW through ACTIONS to LIVE YOUR MY PURPOSE. What is the ONE ACTION I must do today to live in alignment with my truth, to contribute to the world to help someone else?

If you begin to transform your daily mindset and actions like this it means your doing AT LEAST 1% better if not 3% better because you are FINALLY acting in alignment with your mind, body, Soul which equals 3%. Instead of just the liner mind which is only 1%. The 3% occurs from allowing a force greater than you to guide you your every day FOLLOW THROUGH moves on the one thing you know is meant to bring you closer into becoming who you know you're meant to become, impacting people you're meant to impact, and earning the income you know you're meant to earn TODAY. This is 1,095% improvement of the overall you every year, GUARANTEED.


Now I understand many people are in PAIN - so much pain over a lifetime from believing they didn’t have the opportunity to live the life they truly desire. Yet still THAT WAS YOUR CHOICE - because you can always choose yourself but it’s more comfortable to settle in life because you don’t have to face your demons, your darkness, your insecurities, and decide to rise anyway. So from this point, it’s no surprise you would receive something like c0vid or cancer because you’ve given up your life choices and betrayed yourself to fit into a community or job that you don’t even like to feel accepted or be under the false illusion of security for money.

Now for some practical things for your immune system:

✨DRINK CELLULAR JUICE every morning this boost the immune system
✨Go for a 10-minute walk in nature without headphones
✨Aim to drink 1 gallon of water per day
✨Eat more greens because the heart chakra is green and that’s one way through food of how we can nourish the body.

TWO - the V@X - those companies or institutions requiring this - CANNOT BE A THING. However, if you desire to get the v@x, you absolutely should; this isn’t to SWAY you to another side; this is just information the media is not sharing.

The best thing to do is to ask the following questions or stare the following things
💛 State VIA EMAIL I am uncomfortable sharing my m3dical conditions and information with you. From the d0ctors advising my medical care, they have advised me to stay away from this. Can I please have an exemption? (It is a Hippa violation to be asking for private health information - INSTITUTIONS & CORPORATIONS CANNOT DO THIS - so LEAVE OUT DETAILS - however - attending a holistic doctor appointment will offer you this opportunity to claim you've seen a doctor - or show proof if required).
💛Can you please share transparently what data you have used to come to this conclusion to take this non-FDA approved V@X -
💛I feel uncomfortable, forced, and afraid. This has been a decision I have been advised of staying away from with my m3dical records. Can I please receive an exemption?
💛If I react to this V@x, will you as the corporation be liable?
💛I’m failing to see the emergency as this is an emergency use v@x (as many people die from other dis-eases and there is no emergency) - I AM NOT SAYING it is not sad the people who have lost their life - it is very sad and ALL of us being impacted

Again I’m sharing ANOTHER narrative for those of you searching for that & if this is that big of an issue for you, and costing you your peace on wheater to keep your job or enter into the self-employed market - THE UNIVERSE IS SENDING YOU A MESSAGE TO GET OUT OF YOUR CAREER AND TAKE THE LEAP INTO YOUR PURPOSE - THIS IS YOUR FINAL WAKE UP CALL. Do not let anything ever disturb your peace.

& finally, this is EVERY person's body.

The behavior of saying we need to do this for EVERYONE's SAFETY is crazy - in the Congo, they say we must R@PE the women because it gives us juice for the war - THIS IS THE SAME THREAD OF CONSCIOUSNESS DRESSED UP AS H3ALTH instead of W@R - yet make no mistake we are in a psychological w@r like we have never seen before.

Again if you have received the v@x because that felt right for you, GOOD ON YOU! This is not to shame you. This is just another narrative as I know when I was HEALING from cancer, I NEEDED another narrative, I needed something to speak life into me, I needed to know the thoughts inside my head were real, I needed to know I wasn’t going crazy, I needed to know there was a tribe - community - a place where I could call home, so I felt alive instead of alone on this life journey.

This is my intention.
This is my heart.
This is the work of my life as it’s what God has given me my life for - so together we can HEAL our emotions, we can FACE OUR DEMONS - WE CAN RISE INTO TRUSTING OUR INTERNAL SYSTEM - connecting ourselves to EVERYTHING we are meant to become and making our life decisions from this place alone, instead of being forced into decisions based on fear.

Like today I flew on a plane, and I love the window seat. I wanted to sit there. I asked because it was a sold-out plane; the couple looked at me weird, and another woman said, here, sit here, I’ll move over. And I said no, I want the window seat, and I didn’t care it was inconvenient or the fear this coupled tried to input into me from their eyes of them not wanting to move. It was a sold-out flight, and I wanted the window. So I LISTENED to my body, and it turned out amazing - and that’s what I mean listening to you in the small moment's matters.

And this is what this WHOLE SIMULATION dressed up as c0vid is about.
Yet the question is, HOW FAR WILL YOU BETRAY yourself until you finally listen to the voice of your Soul and say NO MORE? That is what this journey is about.
We are on, and this is it.
How far will you go to betray yourself to fit in?
How far will you take it?

And for those of you who don’t resonate with this PERFECT - please go tune in to another channel that fits your vibration. If this resonates and you’d like to know more, I recommend my three videos series, The Awakening. I go through MORE data on this and in-depth research that will BLOW your mind

If your feeling like you need to receive clarity on your purpose, I recommend this experience

If you are wanting to learn more about HEALING your mindset, health, and emotions - I recommend My Luxury Healer Inner Circle

& lastly, my podcast has many episodes that are here to support you during this time

& IF YOU MADE IT TO THE END CONGRATS - remember whatever you choose to perceive about this is UP TO YOU - I share many beautiful things with the core message - DO WHAT FEELS RIGHT FOR YOU - IN ALIGNMENT - THIS IS WHAT TOTAL LIBERATION means - and that is what empowerment means - to BE FULLY FOCUSED ON YOU & offering your voice of expression for the greater WHOLE - not for argument or debate - the right people will come towards you & ALL ELSE will fall away because you are living in alignment with who you truly are and that is when the universe delivers magic!

I love you,


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