Colleen Gallagher International

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Here is How I left my Corporate Job to Forever Become Free and You Can Too!

I still remember when I looked out the big three-tier windowsill in New Zealand from my home.
The sun hitting my face ever so gently like a bumblebee landing on a flower.
The still blue angelic water, looking like clear glass, surrounded by the big mountains.
The birds were chirping and flying around.
The quietness and vastness of the world.

I remember being lost in daydreams there would be a day when I would be free like the water, like the wind rushing through space. There will be a day when I can wake up instead of feeling confined into an office, enslaved to get money to pay for bills I don't even enjoy. I will wake up in a home where I feel nourished, free, entirely accepted, and safe to let myself express what is coming through me now.
There will be a day that I don't have to leave my home to do errands; I'll be able to pay people to come to me.
There will be a day that my home is like my sanctuary.
Instead of feeling confined to bills and forced to be there because of a work location. I will wake up and feel like my home is connected to nature. It's connected to me becoming all of who I am.
Little did I know it take less than 5 years.

I remember this moment so clear in my mind’s eye as I looked out into the world from my flat in New Zealand. I knew it so deep within me at age 23 that my life would be grand. My life would feel like a mystical tale where people would wonder how she did it! Every step of my life would be creating a destiny, a legacy for others to read back on for inspiration, in awe, in wonder, ravel in the beauty of how I did it all.


At the time of this awakening transition, I deeply craved in my life, I was suffering from the heartbreak of my first love, I saw a life with. I saw a future of marriage and kids, and then, unfortunately, it vanished due to life circumstances. Part of this pain is what inspired me to leave corporate when I did. Because I couldn't take the unbearable pain of going to a job, I hated it with such a heavy heart. I figured if I moved to New Zealand, something ought to change. And a lot changed.
I began to hear the calling for something more in life.
I began to hear the whispers in the night calling me forth to return to peace, serenity, and nature.
I began to feel the sensations in my body pulling me forward to become great.


But something in me knew I required help.
I knew that in this next part of my life, I couldn't learn it from an institution, a master's program, or a teacher; I needed to learn from people who were living the life I wanted.
This is where I found the coaching industry.
I liked it more than the thought of therapy because coaching was more focused on the present and the future. Therapy was more concentrated on the past.
If you are anything like me I was at a point where I was done with the past; I wanted the grand life.
The one where I looked out my window and felt free instead of a caged-in tiger animal at a zoo. I was ready to ROAR.


I hired my first mentor.
We came to the awakening that all I wanted was to bring more love into this world.
If that's all I could do, that's what I wanted to do for the rest of my life.
But the question was, how would the money follow?
I got quiet just like nature does at night, except for the soft hollow of a wind every 8-15 seconds or so.
And the idea just dropped into my head like rain falling when it's 90 degrees and sunshine. WRITE A BOOK.
At first, I think, a book?
I don't know how to write?
What do I have to say?
And then I just sat and wrote.
I wrote, and I wrote, and I wrote with whatever came up.
A lot of it had to do with my cancer.
What happened to me when I was diagnosed at age 14, nine years before this present moment.
I couldn't believe all the memories that were coming out of me.
All the heartache.
The pain.


I realized why I wanted to be the person who created more love in the world.
More than anything, I saw the damage done to so many people when love didn't exist inside of them.
So, my book Live Your Truth became a business, a brand, and a movement, into a mini empire of today.
It all began with choosing that I no longer wanted the pain of the past to affect my present moment.
It all started with hiring one coach and one mentor who allowed me to free myself.
Where the exact home I looked out into the windowsill, wondering when I'd be free to travel the world, express all of me, etc. became the windowsill my first live videos were done, my first book was written, and where I became free in my living room to have the life, I do now.


Now I am opening three more spaces to work 1:1 with me.
Where I will be a guide, mentor, coach, and support system for you to release the past pain to overcome the weight that is living inside of your heart.
For you to receive the clarity of why you are here.
So that you create a lifestyle you love, a business, a career, and relationships.
Because I know this is possible for every person, it's my deepest dharma to make sure every person I touch knows they deserve the most beautiful love in all areas of life!

So, if one of these three spots is for your, message me.
I am ready!

We can customize the package with various investments.
However, my standard here is what is included:
Weekly – monthly calls
24/7 access to me for real-time support

Access to all my past and current programs
Access to the Mystical Beings Mastermind Circle [July 1 launch]
Minimum three months commitment.

I love you,