How do we take action to make a difference with race issues, politics, gender inequality, health issues and every other controversial topic?

DISCLAIMER: this post is simply here for you to receive as educational — not intended for emotional triggering — yet if something in you feels angry by this, I’d simply ask you start to do your own research.

Please just sit and ask yourself for a second.

Does what’s happening in the world make logical sense that it’s all “random”?

We are in a time of re-birth, where old toxic structures are falling so new structures can come into place.

Please remember we’re in the middle of the greatest lifetime movie ever playing out on Earth. Allow yourself to become open to wake up to the corruption and distractions playing out.

Unfortunately, we all have been lied to our whole lives and mislead about what is actually best for us by everyone we have ever known. WE DO LIVE IN A SYSTEM THAT IS SYSTEMATICALLY SET UP FOR INJUSTICE.

The world was designed this way so the rich men keep getting richer, and injustices keep increasing.

So the best thing we can all do right now starts CREATING solutions to problems.

Start tapping into being a creator of your world.

Offer solutions to people’s problems.

Focus on planning for your future: emotionally, financially, and spiritually.

(I suggest getting started with yoga, breathing classes, or MMA — something to get you active.)
(I suggest looking at investing your money in stock markets, bitcoin, multi-family homes real-estate, and projects that excite you.)
(I also suggest starting to get into supplements to improve your health & overall well-being: CBD, Vitamin D, iodine, cacao, and anything else to balance your heart and mind.)

Because without planning for your future, you cannot help plan for the future of others.

I’d suggest to stop watching the news and start looking on YouTube and researched articles.

What if the June 2 the #blackout was held to be a distraction on the same day as elections were and Hillary Clinton was supposed to be in court, yet she no-showed. Also, corrupt police force and government have members of Antifa, KKK, and Freemasons were specifically involved in causing the riots to make it seem like protestors, when that was NOT the case.

The blackout was intended so social media could remove these posts, showing it was actually not black people causing the rioting, it was white people from corrupt organizations trying to blame the protestors. Also, why would we want to silence the voices of a race that has systematically incurred injustices of 100s of years… It doesn't make logical sense…

Unless EVERY major event right now is intended to have you turn outward instead of inward. Someone wants us against each other right now so they can overthrow the government. Yet it’s failing, because so many of us are already awake to what is happening.

The media is emotionally stacking…
That is why so many events are happening back to back to back…
To completely activate the nervous system, to disconnect us from seeing action we can take right now, as one human being who can create a difference in the world…

Only when we sit still and look within will we find the answers to what this organized chaos is meant to mean for us.

We still have 5G, alien landings, and one other big event meant to occur this year besides COVID and #blacklivesmatter with the intention to divine us.

I am not saying that each of these events is not important. Each event has its own right to take up ALL the space someone feels is needed and desired to express.

I am simply saying: at what point with COVID-19 does it become an over-educated distraction, when in reality you do always have an opportunity to at least try to heal yourself, or prolong your diagnoses with mindset, diet change, and lifestyle change.

You can take whatever action you want during this time —

Please just sit back and ask yourself — what if this is a movie playing out?

What if this is all a pre-planned distraction intended to separate us?

How is the media influencing your conversations, instead of you being focused on your goals?

What action steps could you be taking to actually solve people’s problems and create a business out of it that could support your future and your families?

Even during the Great Depression, there were many leaders thriving. Make yourself one of them during this time not part of the growing 20% of unemployment.

If you have become unemployed, the best thing to do is be grateful and start researching how to create a business that SOLVES problems to issues you deeply care about…

Empower and educate yourself to wake up and ask:


Because again if you feel your future isn't set up for success, you cannot help anyone else.

Then from this place TAKE THE DAMN ACTION to create the life you want, instead of remaining a victim and waiting for the government to decide everything will be better…

Only you can choose to change your life.
Only you can choose to start believing that you can create impact, and not rely on the media and government to be your main source of information.
Only you can choose to see you are alive during the greatest awakening on the planet.
Only you can choose to see there’s an opportunity — a new way of being — and you already have more than enough right now to be everything you desire in this life, and more.

This is a time of re-birth in the earth!
Structures are falling so better things can be built.
Are you going to empower yourself to become a creator and builder with it?

Please feel free to take action and listen to my mindset audio which will empower you to understand how to create a life beyond your wildest dreams.


How to Become a Manifestor


How to Change the World by Being You & Get Paid For Doing It