How I Feel About Russia and Ukraine as well as the Other Disturbing Global Events

I've been holding back and out about my opinion and update on the Russian and Ukraine event even though I've gotten many questions.

Today I felt sad.

I got a message from Upwork, which is a site that freelancers all over the world use.
It's been a site I've used to find many freelancers I've used for years on projects in my business.
Today the email reads they are pulling out of allowing Russian freelancers on the site.

Something felt unjust to me about this.
The Russian freelancers?
Who uses this platform to be paid in USD – who creates connection and impact throughout the world by the people they can support in this line of work?

The people of Russia didn't choose this.
Their citizens didn't choose this.

I saw someone from the Ukraine post that these companies are still operating in Russia; you should stop buying from them.
I'm thinking, what?

Is this now trying to make the Russian citizens like North Korea?
Punishing the Russian people for what their political leader is doing who they have not voted in, and many are protesting and being put in jail?
Russia is showcasing they are arresting their children.
Again assuming this media converge is even real and not some diluted plot twist to distract us all from our connection to God, our purpose, our business, our focused direction of why where here instead of the never ending current event drama list.

And let's call this for what it is.
There is no difference between you and the Ukraine government or you and the Russian government.

Do you think that you have nothing to do with this theater show of the great awakening?
That you are somehow on your high horse exempt for being part of the co-creation of any current event or this?
We all are part of this great media show.
We are the co-creators in this it’s just directed at a larger cause because so many of us are at dis-ease.
The lack of peace we feel within.
The moments of anxiety, anger, frustration, WHY IS THIS HAPPENING!
Yes, that energy is part of you contributing to the direct reflection of what we see in the world.

And to blame one person – sure, in this case, Putin is such an illusion.
It's the easy way out.

The truth is that this is all of us.
The pandemic this is all of us.
The massive problems created of gender and race inequality.
It's me – it's you.
There isn't someone out there to throw a stone and cast blame at.
Allow this media game to be a mirror where the stone bounces back at you.
There's no outdated system that can be fixed resources that can be created.
This issue of injustice, violence, bringing issues forefront to pin one another against each other resulting in increased hate.

See, hatred is sneaky.
It creates events, uses all these tactics to divide us.
Love she is quiet because love is scared, and it occurs within moments of stillness, where words are not required.
Hated and fear requires action.
Love requires presence and feeling that magnetize action to occur.

Unfortunately, no, the world will never be healed and at peace through the lens of the media or current events.
However, Heaven on Earth – love is possible for you.
It's learning to see that this is a great show.
It's learning to see that the more you focus on you – your mind – your inner world.
What is it within you that is at unease, anxiety, tension?
Where are you holding on to pain and resentment?
Where can you allow yourself to feel more peace?
Where can you give more peace to others?

Suggesting companies to leave a country, a freelance site to ban Russians it's horrible.
These are real people whose government is doing something they disagree with.
Wait, I'm confused – didn't America just have this happen with this President and The Last President based on the eye of the beholder?
Didn't one President do something with Russia and another with Afghanistan?
But no one stopped allowing American citizens to no have opportunity in their country.

Do you see the news's pattern is always HIGH JACKING some current event to play unto your emotions?
This country is doing this – this gender requires this support – this race needs this.
Honestly, it's exhausting.
I don't own a television.
I don't even hear about the news unless it's via social media, and I roll my eyes because I'm in a Ph.D. focused on Global Leadership and Change, and people just have no clue what they are talking about.

Overnight you are an expert on global trade – politics?
So, stop adding fuel to the fire when this isn't a topic you can add peace to.
Until, as a collective, we understand that it's us – and us alone who create these CATASTPROHIC pre-planned media events to showcase the dis-ease we carry within the lack of peace, the more they will continue to happen.

Everything's working out.
Horrible things happen every day, just as beautiful things occur every day.
People are torn apart daily, and people are brought together daily.

If you want peace, do you know what you can do?
Look in the mirror and ask to have inner peace.
Take a shower and ask the water to cleanse away disturbing energies that are not serving you.
Communicate about solutions to your worldly purpose instead of the next big distraction.

That is all<3
Oh, and if you like this conversation, I highly recommend attending The Colleen Gallagher Podcast virtual party on March 19th! We will have networking, a home dinner, a sound healing, and we will be connecting on truth, love, and impact!

I love you,

PS – This post is not a debate post, so please keep those comments to yourself<3


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