Colleen Gallagher International

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How to Raise Your Standards as a Leader

Lately, I have heard so many incredible individuals desiring to step up their game as a leader. I have heard this from executive level leaders all the way down to high school students who are wanting to become an author.

The common factor is that all of these individuals care about creating a massive impact to empower others to live their best life possible, while co-creating towards a vision that other individuals care about.

However, some leaders get stuck and caught up with how to create more money, how to improve employee retention, how to become Amazon #1 Best Seller, or how to grow their following on social media… yet TRUE leaders would never tolerate these thoughts entering into their mind.

True leaders who are making revolutionary impact in the world always are up-levelling to come from a place of service and create experiences that allow humans everywhere to live a better life.

Here are the 4 steps to raise your standard as a leader:

  1. Be clear on what you are tolerating.

    1. Who do you hang out with?

    2. What type of expansive or contractive conversations are you having?

    3. Where are you allowing your thoughts to go?

    4. Are you focusing on problems or creating solutions?

    5. What team members are you hiring?

    6. What distractions are you allowing?

  2. Shift to a mindset of asking yourself: how am I allowing co-creation to occur to impact individuals, team members, and humanity at greater levels?

    1. Start to acknowledge and embody that none of this is about you, it’s about the collective as a whole!

    2. Look at your clients, employees, children, friends, etc. — ask yourself, where are you creating space to allow other people to shine?

  3. Stop buying into people’s bullshit stories.

    1. You do not allow others to say I cannot, I will not, it’s too hard, I don’t have money, I am overwhelmed, there isn’t enough time, and the list can go on — you are doing a disservice to others by allowing them to remain in this negative, contractive mindset.

    2. Instead, openly respond with positive shifts. For example: “It’s not that you cannot, it’s that you are choosing to not do something.” Or, “It’s not that you don’t have money, you are choosing to not spend it on this.”

  4. Shift your mindset to start seeing everything as an opportunity, not a challenge.

    1. Gender inequality, falling short of the sales goal, missing the product shipment date, getting your credit card information stolen — all opportunities to learn and create an impact.

To embody the next layer of leadership that you hold within you, look at these 4 tips and start to apply them in your life. The best way is to journal on these tips, or write in a word document what comes up for you.

Then, the next step is to get involved with a community of leaders who also want to expand to their next layer of leadership!

Lastly, look at receiving upgrades from a coach or consultant who specializes with leaders to work with you in depth 1:1. This will allow you to expand your leadership capabilities at quantum levels, while giving you the space to work more in your zone of genius instead of you having to figure it all out by yourself!

Feel free to comment below with questions!