Colleen Gallagher International

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How Men Can Create Greater Intimacy During Sex!

[same-gender couples replace men with masculine]
[another one for women will come next]

So, if you haven't been made aware, we are going through a shift on the planet.
A massive shift.
It wasn't until 1988 that women could become their bosses, entrepreneurs, and CEOS.
So, when you think about that, it means the only way a woman could be intimate or connected to her work was by her husband or a massive corporation.
There was no option to work from home through technology.
There was no option to make your product or service without the support of a man to run the finances.
There were limited decisions a woman could make up without the trust of a partner fully believing in her. And as we know, that wasn't the norm to trust a woman with finances because they had no habit, history, or experience doing so because there wasn't an opportunity.

So, if a man was always the leader or required as-needed support for a woman to have her financial freedom or right, how do you think that carried over to the bedroom?
The psychology of the most necessary thing to survive, money a women NEEDED to submit to a man to get what she needed done. This mindset would then be HIGHLY INTERTWINED into how a woman experiences pleasure because we are LIVING OUT HISTORY AND PAST HABITS.

Where now the world is thriving with woman empowerment, becoming more alpha, and creating financial success. But women alone cannot create more intimacy in the bedroom.
Men are REQUIRED for this.
So, what can men do to grow with intimacy in the bedroom to WOW your Queen.
Because currently, the statistics show women walk away from s3x with minimal pleasure and, the majority of the time, not even knowing if they orgasmed or not.

I’ll admit, I've allowed myself to be a victim of this more than I like to admit. Because I simply didn’t know what to ask for or how to act.
Because, as women, our history was, we didn't get a say so.
We got what we got and then had to make the best with what we had for a great life.
But now it's different because we have an opportunity to speak, to communicate.

And men, you all want us to communicate so we can grow together.

So here are some secret trips that will make your woman go wild so you can grow in intimacy!

1)The slower you go, the better it is. I know we've grown up in this paradigm of fast and hard, which can be nice sometimes, but honestly, the slower the build-up with foreplay, the slower you enter her, the deeper the intimacy. Women like to FEEL things. It's hard to feel all the feelings when things are going so fast, up and down, here and there. We can't even feel the emotion, let alone process it and have our body respond to you, for you to witness the pleasure you are arousing within the female body. For the woman's body to feel deep pleasure and orgasms takes a minimum of thirty minutes. The woman's body is like boiling a pot of water, it takes time, but once she's arrived, she stays there for a LONG TIME.

2)Let the entering into her be sacred. Let it be slow; slowly enter with the tip, back out, and do this a few times before entering her. This allows her to feel you, become aroused by you, and build up fantastic wow desire for you. For the most intimate, look into her eyes while doing this. However, I ONLY recommend the eye parts for those in a serious relationship or partnership; otherwise, it's a bit of a love-bombing manipulation.

3)Allow communication. It's very attractive or normal to ask, ESPECIALLY in the beginning, do you like this? Or what would you like? Do you want a different position? You are learning someone's body as they are learning yours. Everyone has different preferences but check in to ensure both of you feel pleasure. This is even more important in long partnerships because desires and preferences change, so always be willing to ask and try something new.

4)The finishing, if you happen to complete and there is ejaculation, it's so hot and sexy that you get up, get a towel, put warm water on it, and wipe it off her. This shows you care for her, genuinely are grateful for the pleasure you both experienced, and take leadership to clean up. You are present for the whole experience before, during, and after. This makes every woman feel supported and secure and that she has safety because you are alive and well for the whole experience. Instead of her feeling like you only cared about the beginning and middle.

5)When complete, even if you are soft, stay inside her for a while, with a transition time of at least three to ten minutes. However, this time psychologically allows the woman's body to feel safe and secure and builds ENORMOUS BIOLOGICAL TRUST WITH YOU. Because subconsciously, the body and mind within her feels like you just entered her body, pleasure happened, and now you’re gone. It lets her feel like you are still here. You are being present while she arouses down. As I said, a woman's pleasure is like a boiling pot of water, it warms up slowly, but once she is there, she is there for a while. So once the time between you is transitioning, she can feel your presence, her body can feel that her energy is safe with you, and you aren't just moving on to the next thing. You're taking a moment TOGETHER after a co-created memory so your bodies can adjust and move forward!

These are some tips that have served my male clients immensely!
However, men I ask you please ONLY do these for a woman you feel an emotional attachment to. It is out of integrity to do the deeper parts of this if there is no feeling, to simply manipulate a women’s mind and feelings towards you!
If you are wanting more support with this alone or as a couple read below and reach out!

I’m here to support the greatest love and intimacy possible.

First 1:1 relationship and coaching package, simply message me, "relationships," and we can go over this! Most of my clients come to me with relationship issues and walk away, filled with the relationships of their dreams in all areas of life. This is for couples as well. [Also, we have a match-making service included for this]

Second, my how to overcome heartbreak and attract love workshop! This is where I teach you how past trauma may affect your ability to relate and connect. How do we acknowledge this, hold this, and release this so that we can attract the right relationships? A one-time coaching call is included when you enroll by Friday, October 16th

Third, my workshop for men How to Make the Awakened Woman Crave You? This is for men who want to attract quality women. A one-time coaching call is included when you enroll by Friday, October 16th

Fourth my third book, An Uncompromised Life – How to Overcome Heartbreak & Trauma, Experience the Unexplainable and Truly Fall in Love.

FIFTH, The Wisdom Channel!
This will be a private Telegram Channel where I share channeled wisdom a minimum of three times a week, Monday-Friday! This will be the most intimate content from my journal thoughts, prayers, activations, and commentary on current events!
It's a monthly subscription!

I love you,