Colleen Gallagher International

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How to Become “Good” at Manifesting

Manifestation is always working.
You are already manifesting.
You do it every day without even knowing.

It’s just you are so used to living a life you don’t love.
You’re used to the struggle.
You’re used to things not being well.
You are used to Settling in relationships that suck.
You are used to money being hard.

See manifestation isn’t this magical thing you need to learn.
You just get to evaluate what is your current focus?
What are the majority of your conversations about?

Are you focused on the wanting of more money or the gratitude of money you have?
Are you focused on why the relationship isn’t work or the things you are grateful for?
Are you excited in your day-to-day life or always dreading it?
Are you repeating negative drama or are you focused on the DELIGHTFUL experiences in your life?

It makes logical sense that the people who practice being in the state of happiness regardless of what is happening co-create happier experiences.
It makes logical sense that people who are in the practice of receiving, earning, and making money become wealthier.
It makes logical sense that the people who create time to take care of themselves look and feel better.
Just as the opposite is true.
If you are easily angry, anxious, and depressed it makes sense that your life is that way.
If you are constantly focused on the lack of money, you are used to not making money every day, that this would be your reality.

If you think it takes hard work to make a lot of money, then that is the reality you are living.
If you feel that you can be who you are, do what you love, and receive money that is your reality.

If you’re asked a question and you are constantly bringing up a past story of why something cannot be true, why you are in pain, why your life is hard and it sucks than THIS IS YOUR REALITY.

So, the KEY to manifestation is to look at “what do I want my dream life to look like?”
Then to TAKE CONSISTENT DAILY ACTION to make sure your words and actions ALLOW YOURSELF to interrupt your reality this way REGARDLESS of what is going on.
This is an art of communication, perception, and interruption so that everything that occurs to you REGARLDESS of how annoying, perceived wrong, or further from what you want to experience is something you begin to see is happening FOR YOU.
Once you begin to practice this where life is gifting you, endless opportunities to experience magic, beauty, surprises and fun ironically life begins to become this way!

I want to teach more people my manifestation tricks.
I want to take you behind the scenes of my picture-perfect life and teach you how I’ve made it this way through conscious effort so that you can have a picture-perfect life as well!
Click here to enroll.

I love you,