Colleen Gallagher International

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If you want to learn how to make more money doing what you love – READ THIS. I GOT YOU!

I remember when I first started my business, all I wanted was to create a life I loved, where I could travel the world, impact people, and make money!
I remember when I was in such a position where I was desperate for money.
I mean, $5 could mean that I'd be able to get ramen noodles or a protein bar so I could have something to eat in the places I was staying.
I would put my airlines and hotels on a credit card where I'd get tons of points and make the money back on the points I’d spend next billing cycle.
Then I'd show up daily and share my first book, Live Your Truth, and my six-week course, How to Create Your Fairytale Life, online.


Some days it felt like I was hiking up a never-ending mountain.
On other days, it felt like YAS people were sharing their lives, transforming, and changing; they were being inspired, resonating with my work, and acting.
PEOPLE GET IT that creating a life you love is the key to living a modern-day fairytale life.
I'd met people on planes who buy my things in flight, people out and about, and more people online keep finding me.
It felt like a fairytale dream.
But I was always struggling between just over enough and like WOAH LIFESTYLE I HAD MORE THAN ENOUGH.

Then, I hired a business mentor, my first time.
Because making six figures through a corporate job and receiving six figures from your services and products are widely different. There is so much more emotion, attachment, energetic alignment, inner mindset, self-worth, and strategy that goes into it.
The first thing I learned from this mentor is that you must do different things in your life to see different results.
Learn how to change your habits.
I'd never heard of this behavior or even thought about what a habit was!
I learned a habit was something you do automatically without thinking, and most of your habits are a learned set of behaviors by people you were surrounded by growing up; where the people you learned from aren't living the dream life you want to live.

So, I had to begin to learn how you change your automated ways of being.
Step 1 - You start with awareness of the thoughts you think, the words you speak, and the actions you take. [I learned while having a business mentor that coaching and mentorship accelerate your results because you have someone else observing you that is willing to see things you are unwilling to witness].
Step 2 – Once aware, you must begin to be willing to think different thoughts, say different words, and take different actions.


So, I began to look at my thoughts; what are my thoughts around money?
For me, it was I who felt guilty about asking for money.
I felt like I was taking from others if I offered my services, time, education, mindset, and products and asked for money.
And then I had to realize why?
A corporation doesn't feel guilty asking for my time and skills to do things I don't want to move their organization forward; why can't I do it myself?


So, I began to write out affirmations.
I choose to believe I am a multi-millionaire.
I choose to believe people I impact millions of people a day.
I choose to believe money flows to me quickly and easily.


I began to speak these words.
Even when I was stressed about having $5 to get food while enjoying the most beautiful locations.
I chose this thought, these words, these habits.
I'd be grateful that one day $5 would be back to the $500 dinner I did at corporate.
I believed and knew it would happen on my terms, doing what I love.
Well, multiple six figures a year started; tens of thousands of followers began to come.


I realized these affirmations about receiving money weren't emotionally fueling me the way they used to.
I began to see my focus was on the wrong direction.
Why was I giving money all this power over my focus and energy?
So, I asked my business mentor, and I learned my habits needed to change, again…
I wanted to focus more on the community, my clients, and the audience we've built together and how my thoughts, words, and actions can help you, not just me.


So, my affirmations became:
I believe I can support others in becoming successful business owners, multiple six figures, and multi-millionaires.
I believe I can help people overcome trauma.
I believe that I can guide people to become well in their healing journey.
I believe I can support people in finding their true love and what that looks like for them.
I believe and I know I promise with everything in me I’ll give all of me for my clients to feel the joy in their career that I do, for people to know you can change the world and get paid to do it by simply being you.


And before you know it, my clients began to create brands, make their first amount of money online, write books, impact the world, and fall deeply in love with meaningful relationships.


But it all started with believing I was worthy of a more extraordinary life.
It all started with an investment in me, not with formal education but with coaches and mentors who had real-life experience, not just theory.


This was when my business changed from a six-figure a year business to a multiple six-figure a year business. This investment in coaching is what changed where, I was constantly stressed about how the next client would always come to have more than enough clients from everywhere.


So, if you want different results, start by becoming aware of your habits and then consciously changing them to align with how you want to be experiencing life.

Because nothing changes if you don't change first!

That's the point of leadership, self-empowerment, and true self-fulfillment.


And with that, there are two ways I can support you in changing your relationship with money, life, and relationships.

One my energy leadership and development programs is a twelve-month program where we deep dive into your energy practices and habits and shift them to align you with creating a career you love and making money. At the same time, you sleep, build a community, have multiple of your products and services, overall branding, distribution through the world, and events.
Two, I have two 1:1 coaching spots open.


When you read this, you know you need to make a shift.
And trust me, none of us make the shift alone.
The best way to do it is with a mentor who has been where you have been, experienced it all, and can hold you through it.
I've here, ready, available, and got your back!

Simply message me Energy, or I AM READY.
We'll have a beautiful conversation.
I love you,

 PS – leave in the comments did this post help you?

If yes, what’s your new affirmation you are starting today?