Colleen Gallagher International

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How I Made Nearly $200k in 2021 and You Can Too

I woke up at 1:30 am on Christmas Day, and I couldn’t sleep.
So, I decided to go through all my photos of 2021 to remind myself of everything that occurred.
And now I’m giving you a brief overview because I can hardly believe it.
How one person can fit so much into a year, and I hope it offers inspiration.
My intent is it offers hope that wherever you are on your life journey, the best is yet to come!
And this is precisely why I’m starting the 2022 year off with a brand-new course of How to Become Sexy, Successful, and Confident in Six Weeks!

Shortly after this, I ended a significant relationship with myself.
My An Uncompromised Life healing box was created
My What is Intuition and How to Use it to Grow your Career and Life Course was Built on Listenable, where I began to get paid on the amount people listen to me
I got paid for my first art piece by creating Activated Light Charts
I was featured in my first big magazine as a writer, Elephants, and Tea

February 2021- $2,022.00 Cash Received
The first 113 shipments of my book An Uncompromised Life went out into the world before the launch date of June 8th!
I did my first Clubhouse
My heart was broken from a relationship that meant a lot to me
I had my first tea ceremony with Ivonne Delaflor in Vegas
I visited a friend in Vegas, and that friendship ended as well after the visit
I went on a hike in Vegas, and there was a heart shape in the rock, which was so beautiful
People started sending me photos of my third book, An Uncompromised Life they were receiving
I met my little dog LaLa I had for a month or two.
I went on the BEST date ever, and I wrote a blog about The Best Date for a Woman How to Do it
I had another tea ceremony with one of my Ph.D. friends at her beautiful home
I went to Arizona for my parents’ anniversary


March 2021 – $1,854.83 Cash Received
My healing boxes started to enter the world
I started to host my tea ceremonies
I started signing more books that were being bought
My little dog LaLa was helping me heal from the re-lease of many old paradigm friendships
I did a photoshoot of my seven products at the time
I hired business mentor Katrina Ruth that was A LOT of money so I could use my pain to produce for my business more expansively
A friend of mine died from C0vid.
People started reaching out to me on social media, claiming I MUST work with you.
I started writing blogs a lot!

April 2021 - $5,617.59 Cash Received
I started selling all my products from my website
I started using UPS to ship my books and create my own real product-based business outside of services
I was still struggling with eating a lot
I got the first big spray tan that many celebrities use, and it changed the game of confidence for me
People began sharing how much my third book, An Uncompromised Life, was impacting them
I went to San Francisco, and I started making not just one or two sales per launch but five or six sales for pre-recorded content I have done
I started being picky about seafood and owning I am a foodie
My Expanded Liberation Magazine Launched
I launched my first $5,000 investment point, and someone paid me in full!
I had another tea ceremony with my Ph.D. friend
More people started buying my books from my website
I decided I was going to do a poetry book and started writing this
My Facebook and Instagram were hacked, and I was blocked from both accounts

May 2021 - $10,102.01 Cash Received
I was heartbroken. I was blocked from my social media after being hacked, and no one to contact
I started on Medium and YouTube plus hired a PR firm.
I got another celebrity spray tan which was a whole vibe
I went to D.C. for my Ph.D.
I learned that politics is something I want no part in as leaders are not EMBODIED in what they say – so 100% I would stick to the business path as the other realm is just too messy
I started dating A LOT again, and it was fun.
I started a new food blog where I’d rate places Experience = Food + Service + Vibe
My bank accounts were hacked and frozen from the hacker at Facebook
I spoke at Podfest Global for the first time on my podcast
I did YouTube Lives
I started speaking with nature
I had a Virtual Podcast Party for reaching 3,000 downloads and had three people attend!
I fell in love with a new local coffee shop
I met up with David Meltzer and gave him my book, which was rewarding to see how far I’d come
I held my Virtual Book Party, which was fun and one of the most incredible talks I am proud of!
I started to say No much quicker in dating because I knew what I wanted


June 2021 - $13,085.24 Cash Received
LA Opened again, and I was able to do things I love again, like Jazz Night
I found a workaround to get another Facebook, and I did that!
My Facebook was still blocked, but I started to write a lot on medium, and I was still increasing my income!
I got to know two guys I enjoyed and learned so much from!
Michelle, my best friend, and I started going to LOTS of food places for dinner dates which were so fun!
I started doing sound healing and light therapy as part of my regular business, which led to me creating my Healer Inner Circle Community
June 8th, my third book was finally out via Amazon, and I felt so proud!
I started to have big PR with major podcast and magazine outlets
I also led my first sound healing retreat outside of my own and paid for it!
David Meltzer was on my podcast
A lot of people from my old social media accounts began to find me on new platforms
I started to love where I was living and had a very close nit community
A wonderful healing experience occurred with a man I love but lasted shortly<3


July $13,031.09
My best friend Sam came to visit in LA
I became obsessed with flowers
And every single post I was now selling and offering it was so fun
I started finding more money on the ground
I started becoming more creative and more of an artist through my work
I did a free three-day training on the energetics in business
I went to Arizona to go to the north rim of the Grand Canyon
I started promoting my Healer Inner Circle, and so many people were receiving transformations
I went and took photos at Becoming Your Truth even and again owning the more artist side of my business


August 2021- $16,739.98 Cash Received
I was wildly in love with a man.|
I went to an art show and again began to own the art of my business
My podcast was growing and growing
I got my sound bowls to take my healer inner circle monthly sound healings to the next level
I did the first painting I got paid for, and owning my online courses
I started Networking again and claiming my career as an author and digital creator instead of a coach


September 2021 - $18,561.01 Cash Received
I started to build the Imagine Community
I came out with my new activation sticker for the podcast
My Ph.D. was going w I was getting more clarity on my dissertation topic, and I had my first four days in person event.
I went to the Huntington Garden and was so happy
I went to a networking event and got asked to work on a television series in 2022.
I created a new product which was a new magical coin
I was really in love <3
My business was beginning to grow and be fun


October 2021 $41,930.38 Cash Received
I decided I was moving out of my apartment and would be nomadic for 2-3 months
I was paid for being a host and interviewing filmmakers for the first time.
My Podcast was now getting paid sponsorships for every episode
I started to see that my third book, An Uncompromised Life, could become a movie, and I began to take steps towards this
I got the cover for my first book, Live Your Truth, as it goes to publishing on January 4th, 2022
I started my Imagine Digital Agency <3
I left LA and went to Laguna – this felt like home
My work with private 1:1 clients picked up!
Things were getting super fun


November 2021- $31,153.96 Cash Received
I started to understand art history and how that influence sour lives
My birthday to turn 28 happened
My second person four day Ph.D. experience happened
I had another tea ceremony
I went to Cabo for three weeks
My business was growing – I nailed in that I needed to launch every 5-7 days as I got bored too quickly
I realized I had around 25 online courses I’ve launched, and people have enrolled in
I rented my private yacht this was amazing for me


December 2021 - $10,546.99 Cash Received 
I launched three programs
My 1:1 clients increased where next year from sales, I am guaranteed a $75,000 passive income year!
Traveled to LA & Arizona
Ended a few meaningful relationships that no longer aligned
Life is good

When you read this and want this life
Enroll <3

I love you,