Colleen Gallagher International

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I Want This Retreat, Travel Trip, Name-Brand Clothing, Dinner, Mentorship, Education yet I Don’t Have the Money. Here is Why & How to Change That

I want this yet I do not have the money



This is the #1 comment or voice inside someone’s head which allows me to see the biggest difference in someone becoming free, creating the love affair of their life, and actually living their dreams vs staying stuck in the never-ending rat race of suffering.


At any given moment when we narrow in our focus, we are always existing on an emotional spectrum.


As it relates to money you are operating somewhere on the emotional spectrum of suffering or being liberated.


Each emotion can be related to a specific color, which relates to the chakra system, which relates to where in our body or organs there is a misalignment, which comes full circle back to the emotional root issue of what is really going on – because our emotions, body organs and colors hold specific frequencies –


This allows us to know with precision that when there is a specific issue with an organ in our bodies being measured by the capacity it’s functioning at, in fact, relates to a specific frequency reaction our body has by feeling an emotion over a period of time, which in fact relates to the frequency a specific color holds (back to the natural energy centers in our bodies - the chakra system – the colors offering us information on what natural remedies our bodies are asking for more of in order to heal)

Ironically money is known for green – which is the heart chakra – so opening our heart.

So, in fact, when people tell me I don’t have the money yet – what they are really saying – is the pain of my heart is so deep, I’m not yet able to look at it or begin to heal it.


Now I can understand this beyond the words coming out of someone’s mouth.


So, within my line of work, I hear people often say they don’t have the money to invest in education, online programs, mentorship, or “when” they have the money then they are going to work with me or enter into my courses.


Of course, I’m not the only person that hears this.

Higher education hears this – other online mentors – business leaders – etc.


Yet the words, “I don’t have the money right now, yet when I do, I’m going to do the thing.”

This language is why you fundamentally continue to suffer, stay stuck in the same loop and life story occurring, feel alone, experiencing heartbreak, and being stressed out.

And as you keep repeating this line of when I have the money, then I’ll do this – you continue to inch closer towards a heart attack because you are not allowing energy to flow through your heart –


So let this be a shared quick newsflash – saying you are going to wait until you have the money or you don’t have the money to do something – is like saying once I receive cancer, the heart attack, go through the child loss, the marriage/relationship I’m in goes to absolute craziness beyond repair then I’ll figure out how to heal my life.


Let me be frank with you once the health problem manifest or the emotional damage beyond repair occurs, it’s going to cost you way more money, time, and peace to begin your healing journey than to start right now.

The fact you are here reading this means you know another reality is possible for you.

Deep down you crave the freedom lifestyle where you get to truly be who you are.

You crave a life where you are in love.

You crave to stop feeling like a fraud or having to put on a show for the world yet in your bed every night, you’re wondering when everything will finally be good.

If it will ever be good?


Well, here’s the thing I always say with people waiting for the right time to make the breakup happen yet keep showing up to the relationship, because there is someone’s Mom’s birthday, a holiday, a kid’s event, etc. There is never going to be the “right” time to leave the relationship, there will always be an event coming up, tricking you to stay in false safety instead of rising into your true Divinity.


There is never going to be “enough” money in the bank account, in the beginning for you to invest in the education, do the dream, leave the relationship, make your spiritual practice the baseline of your life until you actually create the space for there to be “enough”


This is why you’re feeling there is not enough manifest in lack of money, rejection, abandonment, trauma, heartbreak, drama, because you aren’t creating the space to find enough room for you to actually heal, be supported, create the life you need to create, become educated on who you are and how you function in this world so that in fact you fall deeply in love with a freedom lifestyle where you impact hundreds if not thousands of people a day.


Because in truth I didn’t have the money when I got the calling from The Universe to leave my corporate job and move across the world to New Zealand, so I saved my money for three months.


I definitely didn’t have the money when I invested $5k to go to Fiji on my first Entrepreneur retreat, yet I did it.


I definitely didn’t have the money for $30,000 for a 12 monthly mentorship program, yet I did it.


I definitely didn’t have an extra $1,000 a week to spend on a therapist when overcoming child loss and heartbreak, yet I did it.


I didn’t have the money to increase my rent to $3,900 per month yet I knew I needed a two-bedroom & bathroom – MORE SPACE, yet I did it.


It simply comes down to you choosing the money isn’t in the bank yet somehow, you trust yourself, somehow, you will no longer let yourself fall into this pity party game of feeling stressed, alone, and like you have no one to turn to.


It’s a simple decision of I’m going to risk being short on money in the short-term, to gain the long-term benefits of my dreams.

I’m going to risk eating a little bit less, so I have two meals out of one meal.

I’m going to risk being late on my credit card payment in the short term for the long-term win.

I’m going to risk saying no to hang out with my friends, to figure out what I want my future to look like in 5 years.

I’m going to cry or have anxiety that this money issue is stressing me out yet I’m going to trust this is the LAST TIME I ever worry about money is the reason I cannot do something.


Well, this is exactly why I teach the power of creation in my new four-week course create – write – share – receive.


Because money is a limitless resource.

How many currencies are there?

How much money is in circulation?

How much money did the USA government just create for COVID-19?

There is no such thing as I don’t have money – the truth is you’ve created a story in your mind and made a commitment to that story that you must suffer instead of truly trusting yourself, taking the risk, creating the opportunity for yourself to rise and know that your life is about to be incredible beyond your wildest dreams.


Only when you begin to align to this thinking of creation and begin feeling into what you truly deserve instead of return to the stress, anxiety, the same health issues, the same heartbreak –only then do you move from a state of suffering into creating freedom into becoming liberated.


Here are some mantras to assist:


I am fully abundant.
I already have all the money I need to begin creating the life I desire.
I trust that this investment feels right, and the money will multiply in my bank account.
I trust this investment in my education, in space for myself will result in long-term health benefits, happiness, and love beyond my wildest imagination.
Money is a natural resource.
Money represents the color green as an offering I am safe to open my heart chakra.
Money is related to how deeply I love me and begin to love my life.
I chose to align to create energy and dissolve suffering through loneliness and stress.
I chose to believe that when I invest in my education to transform my energy money naturally flows to me.
I receive money when I openly express it from my heart.
When I invest money in education that will empower me and make me feel good in the long-term, the money multiples back into my bank account.
I chose to believe I am a creative being and I can help people through what I’ve already accomplished in my life and receive payment.


Then what I highly recommend is getting into my four-week course Create – Write – Share – Receive where I specifically empower you to understand:


Why you keep feeling stressed out, lonely like you have a lack of money, why you feel like you always have “a lot” to move through, and how to transform this so bliss becomes your baseline

That money is simply energy you can create an endless supply of for yourself

That you are a creative being that is meant to share your thoughts and ideas into the world to help this planet move forward

You are the only person who will continue to believe you don’t have the money or you will rise

Your mental, emotional and physical health is something you can take complete control over to begin to transform your life -  yet that requires you to invest in yourself to get into environments around mentors and education that will guide you to create better conversations with yourself and keep you accountable to rise.

That you can use social media to create an extra income stream.

That you are deserving and worthy to create a life you love with people you love.

 & so much more.  

Click here to enroll

Feel free to let me know what comes up in the comments.
Turn your life into the greatest love affair,
Colleen Gallagher