Colleen Gallagher International

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Do you want to make your relationships great again? Read this

A lot of thoughts on relationships have come up for me recently.
I think ideas on relationships always come to me because I'm obsessed with love.
I love everything about love, other people's love, love stories, making meaningful memories, and intentionally having meaningful relationships, a hopeful romantic instead of hopeless.
I am a believer in fairytales.
And I believe in this mystical land beyond the human eye that can become a reality become an actual reality can become better than fiction.
I know that love and magic aren't just made-up thoughts but real tender moments that can happen.
There is nothing I love more than guiding people to find their perfect love story, because it’s so unique for everyone.

Over the past month or so, I've shared many random thoughts, quotes, and ideas around love, relationships, becoming, and believing you can experience it all. I wanted to combine them and share them here to add value, offer relief, provide hope, and for you to know your best love story is yet to come!

First, why are you forcing yourself to live the same boring life and relationship repeatedly? Only you can take responsibility and begin to change your paradigm. Just because you've been dating or in your career for months, years or decades doesn't mean it gets boring, unfun, and you are killing yourself just to be a "good" example. Your happiness is the best example.

Two, just because you believe you are still healing doesn't give you a reason to make excuses for why you cannot be a leader, healer, or call in your next relationship now. Only you can choose to believe where you are now is good enough to help someone else. And people are suffering worse than you who can benefit from your wisdom.

Your excuses of why something is not happening bores your Soul. Do the work, take action, get around people who can support you, believe in yourself, and risk the money through credit or cash even when you don't know how it will work!! Life is passing you by, and your dreams aren't getting closer! And the memories in your relationship will not become more abundant until you decide to make them.

Stop comparing someone else's years of achievements to your chapter 1. And stop comparing someone else's Instagram-perfect photos to your relationship. Trust me, they struggle just like you and navigate the conflict better. Comparison's not helping you.

Going and complaining to your friends about your partner instead of having a mature conversation with your partner makes you the problem, not them🙂 [for abuse, outside authorities are required, there's no conversation needed]

Relationships only become better through communication and life experience… if you aren't sharing what's upsetting you, the other person cannot support your relationship becoming better

How much do your unhappiness, arguments, and disagreements cost you with your creative time and energy? Reevaluate to align or release 💛💋 Your power is usually in the release! You cannot constantly argue with someone and still have divine creative power. The energy is becoming jaded.

Next thing, so, you have a dream and goal? What daily activities must happen to get you a step closer? Only you can take action, no one else. Daily action means a whole life, better relationship, enhanced career, and improved money.

With any relationship or career advancement, it's not their job to make you happy, whole, and at peace. It's an inside job. And if someone YOU ALLOW AROUND you disturb your peace and happiness, only you can let them go💛 Better is on the way. Because as empaths, energy suckers will not let us go; they need us. Only you can know you want more for your life.

I am reminding you again. You always get what you are willing to tolerate in a relationship. If you are unhappy and there's no plan of action for different actions to occur in a short period, you are causing your suffering💛 Only you can set yourself free.

In dating or even going on a date. It's always important to check in, ask and communicate what is each person's intention. It brings everyone closer and offers clear communication directly from the Source, not our made-up thoughts 💛

Let me confirm this, on a first date; neither person is entitled to tell you their life story, dating history, or any information. Stop feeling entitled to other people's personal information.

And so, if you struggle with relationships in all areas!
You are like, UGH, why is it so hard? As I did most of my life, I have a few ways to help you in the ways I was relieved!

One 1:1 relationship and coaching packages, simply message me, "relationships," and we can go over this! Most of my clients come to me with relationship issues and walk away, filled with the relationships of their dreams in all areas of life.

Second, my how to overcome heartbreak and attract love workshop! This is where I teach you how past trauma may affect your ability to relate and connect. How do we acknowledge this, hold this and release this so that you can attract the right relationships?

Third, my workshop for men How to Make the Awakened Woman Crave You? This is for men who want to attract quality women instead of the never-ending headache of a woman who has the same trauma story, they've been through a lot, and it seems like it's just a blah life. How do we change this so you attract the right woman, women on the path towards Enlightenment, self-responsibility, and who want relationships to be a pleasure instead of pain?

Fourth my third book, An Uncompromised Life – How to Overcome Heartbreak & Trauma, Experience the Unexplainable and Truly Fall in Love.

FIFTH, I have a brand-new Offer Called The Wisdom Channel!
This will be a private Telegram Channel where I share channeled wisdom a minimum of three times a week, Monday-Friday!
This will be the most intimate content from my journal thoughts, prayers, activations, and commentary on current events!
Click here to enroll!

I am so thrilled to hear from you and for you to be the next person who creates fantastic relationships in all areas of your life.
Remember you are not alone 😊
But only you can choose to be here together!

I love you,