Colleen Gallagher International

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What is the Number One Way to Manifest Money

First, you want to ask yourself, what does money emotionally represent for you?
To me, it used to represent a sense of achievement.
As I got more money and began to earn consistently six-figure years, I realized money wasn’t the real achievement; impacting and helping people was.
And it appeared that my money results kept capping out when I thought money represented achievement.

So, I had to ask myself, what does money represent to me?
Finally, it came to me it represents the feeling of safety and security.
And I realized I was still giving this emotional power to something external to me.

So, I had to begin to ask myself, how can I provide safety and security, so I always feel abundant and that I am taken care of?
Well, this started with my inner talk inside my head.
How often was I stressed about money in my account instead of grateful?
How often was I seeing the lack instead of the enough?

It started with learning how to do income-producing activities independently without a corporation involved.
It evolved into knowing about passive income and how to earn money while sleeping or living my best life.
It grew into having multiple products and offerings so that you can help people in more than just one area but their complete lifestyle.

This is part of manifestation.
Begin to look at what is it money represents for you?
How can you provide that to yourself right now without any external event or help?
Then how can I begin to take consistent action from this new frequency?

These are precisely the steps I teach you with more real-life, tangible examples in my How to Become a Powerful Manifestor Course.
So for you to begin to take new action to align to a new frequency enrolling in this course would be part of your process 😊
Click here to enroll.

I love you,