Colleen Gallagher International

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“Once I have more money then I will have less problems.”

I used to say this quite often.

Or I’d say I’m so grateful I have money, so I don’t have to deal with that issue.


Yet what I’ve come to learn is the “once you have more money” ideology is keeping you stuck in the loop of where you are instead of rising into the potentiality of what your life could be.


If you feel like money is the solution to all your answers or to why you are suffering, I am here to share with you that is a major misconception.


I used to be someone who I thought if I could just throw money at clothing, at mentors, at coaching, at health products, at a gym, that it would solve my issues of how I was feeling on the inside.


I remember when I worked a sales job in Baltimore Maryland, I so badly wanted to be skinny.

I’d run to work and then race to the gym.

To race through the work out.

To then go home and often I would fall asleep before I could even shower because I was so exhausted.

I was pushing myself beyond what my body really desired.

I was treating my body like a machine instead of a human being.

 On top of this, I was making amazing money and I kept thinking, thank God I have money to be able to afford these nice classes.


And finally, one day it clicked, “money to afford these classes".”

What the heck?

I am rushing through these classes to rush around everywhere else?
So my life is revolving around a rush, to become skinny, to then feel exhausted.


That doesn’t even make sense.

Then as I started my business, I started to realize taxes are different now, there is more to them.
Hiring team members vs employees is two totally different tax structures.
Creating products, and online courses comes with a greater responsibility of showing up, and be committed to my mission.


Where in fact money doesn’t solve your problems.
Yes, it is nice to have.

And you get to do nice things, travel the world, help people who don’t have money enhance their lives, give back to projects you care about.

Yet if you are waiting until you have more money, so your life transcends and transforms, you are mistaken with how money works.

Money is just an amplifier of who you truly are.

Yet remember our True Self has had attachments placed onto it where we at times have become the embodiment of lower frequencies and denser energies, instead of embodying the highest level of life we have available for us.

To put an example to this everyone of us has had pain throughout our life.
If we haven’t taken the time to move through that pain, let it go, and evolve through it, then unfortunately that pain has taken over part of our True Pure Self.
Which has resulted in us feeling angry, bitter, like everyone else is wrong and we are right, everyone else is out to get us.
Yet in truth that is just a story from our pain, a little baby born into this world wouldn’t think like that.


So, if right now you are reading this and you are the person who avoids problems.
You are someone who doesn’t text people back.
You don’t have a practice of self-care and self-pleasure.
You are quick to anger or anxiety when something doesn’t go as planned.
You don’t like dealing with teams or people.
You are unable to speak your desires to what you really want in from this life experience.
You are afraid to tell people no.


Then all these things are telling me, no money will not solve your current problem at hand.

Money will only amplify why this problem is occurring in your life as a sign of what you are avoiding healing.


See money is not a healer, it is an amplifier.

You thought you overcame that drug and alcohol problem, now you have money, better drugs and alcohol are being offered to you. Are you able to still say no?
You thought you loved your partner, now bigger players are getting introduced into your life, can you still stay committed?
You thought you were good at budgeting; can you say no to the thousands of people who want you to try their products?
You have the money now and are you able to tell the difference if people want to be around you for money or to actually be your friend – are you ready to go through that deception and still move forward?


Money is just the illusion of what you think is going to bring you your desire.
And that is a deep unconscious code running through humanity.
Yet this code has become a deep unconscious habit that takes over your thoughts and manifests within your energetic system so it can be brought to the light for you to heal through and then become a magnet to opportunities.


I would like to offer you the opportunity to notice when you catch yourself wishing for more money go through the following framework:

1.     What wound is money exposing right now?

a.     Not feeling enough

b.     Not feeling safe

c.     Feeling like I’m asking for too much

d.     Feeling like I need to lie about where I am currently at in reality

2.     If you could replace the word money in this sentence, “when I have the money, I’ll do this?”
What would it be?

a.     Emotional courage

b.     Forgiveness

c.     Trust

d.     Security

e.     Safety

f.      Love

g.     Relationship

h.     Health

3.     Then from this place begin to ask yourself what can I do right now to take action towards the emotional or physical wound the word money is bringing up for me right now?

a.     This may be repeating mantras

b.     This may be journalling

c.     This may be meditatng

d.     Going to the gym

e.     Calling a mentor

f.      Listening to a YouTube Video

4.     Begin to think those thoughts or take that action step

5.     Then sit back and watch as you begin to naturally see how money begins to show up for you when you do this work instead of focusing on the money.


This is the practice of Consciousness, of becoming aware, of slowing the thoughts down.

Allowing yourself to see it is not about the money, yet what the money is revealing for you to heal.


To go deeper into this, I recommend my 4 week Change Your Relationship with Money Course, so you truly begin to understand money from a holistic place. And you begin to see that no amount of money is going to empower you to do, be or have whatever it is you desire until you begin to feel that in the now.


Let me know what comes up in the comments,
I love you