Colleen Gallagher International

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People Tell You, You Need External Validation Too Much - Here’s my Perspective

Friends in the past have pointed out they feel I need external validation.

I’ve found this interesting topic to explore, especially since my business is largely done on social media, where many people have the perception that social media is based on validation. Where I view it as a platform to connect with other beautiful humans.

However, I deeply feel we all LOVE to receive confirmations that we know we’re on the right path.

We each have our beliefs and we love to see the real-time confirmations that our beliefs are in fact bringing us closer to our dreams, what we know to be true, and the lifestyle we desire to achieve.


I feel and think we have beliefs because we see a vision.

We see the pain this world has inflicted upon humanity and from that, we began to dream of what we could do to fix a system we see is causing pain.

We begin to dream of new ideas and creations to innovate, improve, and enhance our present reality because we’re shifting into a New World.

And sometimes these ideas are so big they seem so crazy.

However when we begin to slow down enough to hear our inner voice inside of us.

We can be guided to start taking that one action item - put one foot in front of the other - where it doesn’t make logical sense yet it feels so good and slightly scary.

Then we take the action and BOOM - confirmation comes - money is randomly delivered - a new client - we see angel numbers 333 - 11:11 - the random compliment or meeting of a stranger.

It just aligns as you are receiving “validation” from the unknown that your dreams are real - the thing you feel called to change in this world is actually up to you to change!

Now some people have let me know they perceive these dream validations/confirmations I receive are unhealthy because it’s something external to me.

I don’t feel that way - I’m not actively looking for the confirmations or validations - yet as they happen at a larger scale, more frequently in my life with consistency I LOVE to talk about them and share them.

Because to me, this is the art of magic - the beauty of becoming liberated through expanding yourself to what is possible to experience in this life.

& many people ask me how I’ve become me or why I’m doing my life the way I’m doing it - obviously, you only ask that question because secretly you want parts of my life to be your life.

& part of me having the lifestyle I do is because I dream - I receive confirmation - then I take even deeper action in that direction - whereas I’ve made many decisions and no confirmation comes or it feels heavy or pushing - so I stop.

You may see my life and you call it I need external validation or the desire to be wanted.

I look at my life and call it I know myself, I know how to build my relationship with God / Source, I know what communication is required for me to receive so I complete my daily duties for God’s Lightwork to come through me!

& I sure as well know I don’t need anybody except my connection to Source to guide me into communities, mentors, people, and clients who I’m here to serve in the forever present moment. This is the true meaning of connection - being a Servant to what comes from God through my channel; as God feels called to use my vehicle at that moment.

This process takes total Surrender and Releasing of Control because something Higher than you is guiding your every move - so sometimes yes external confirmation or validation feels nice to see what’s going right and the patterns that still need improvement, instead of you being left in a never-ending circle of thoughts where this world would have you think your reality is crazy or “mentally ill,” when in fact your right on your path and God is letting you know - keep going - I’ll validate you with magic, sparkles, and glitter - pay them no attention.

& that is why I am liberated.
That is why my life is the way it is.
These are the conversations we have in the Expanded Liberation Society I’ve found this interesting topic to explore.

I feel we all LOVE to receive confirmations that we know we’re on the right path.

We each have our beliefs and we love to see the real-time confirmations that our beliefs are in fact bringing us closer to our dreams, what we know to be true, and the lifestyle we desire to achieve.


I feel and think we have beliefs because we see a vision.

We see the pain this world has inflicted upon humanity and from that, we began to dream of what we could do to fix a system we see is causing pain.

We begin to dream of new ideas and creations to innovate, improve, and enhance our present reality because we’re shifting into a New World.

And sometimes these ideas are so big they seem so crazy.

However when we begin to slow down enough to hear our inner voice inside of us.

We can be guided to start taking that one action item - put one foot in front of the other - where it doesn’t make logical sense yet it feels so good and slightly scary.

Then we take the action and BOOM - confirmation comes - money is randomly delivered - a new client - we see angel numbers 333 - 11:11 - the random compliment or meeting of a stranger.

It just aligns as you are receiving “validation” from the unknown that your dreams are real - the thing you feel called to change in this world is actually up to you to change!

Now some people have let me know they perceive these dream validations/confirmations I receive are unhealthy because it’s something external to me.

I don’t feel that way - I’m not actively looking for the confirmations or validations - yet as they happen at a larger scale, more frequently in my life with consistency I LOVE to talk about them and share them.

Because to me, this is the art of magic - the beauty of becoming liberated through expanding yourself to what is possible to experience in this life.

& many people ask me how I’ve become me or why I’m doing my life the way I’m doing it - obviously, you only ask that question because secretly you want parts of my life to be your life.

& part of me having the lifestyle I do is because I dream - I receive confirmation - then I take even deeper action in that direction - whereas I’ve made many decisions and no confirmation comes or it feels heavy or pushing - so I stop.

You may see my life and you call it I need external validation or the desire to be wanted.

I look at my life and call it I know myself, I know how to build my relationship with God / Source, I know what communication is required for me to receive so I complete my daily duties for God’s Lightwork to come through me!

& I sure as well know I don’t need anybody except my connection to Source to guide me into communities, mentors, people, and clients who I’m here to serve in the forever present moment. This is the true meaning of connection - being a Servant to what comes from God through my channel; as God feels called to use my vehicle at that moment.

This process takes total Surrender and Releasing of Control because something Higher than you is guiding your every move - so sometimes yes external confirmation or validation feels nice to see what’s going right and the patterns that still need improvement, instead of you being left in a never-ending circle of thoughts where this world would have you think your reality is crazy or “mentally ill,” when in fact your right on your path and God is letting you know - keep going - I’ll validate you with magic, sparkles, and glitter - pay them no attention.

& that is why I am liberated.
That is why my life is the way it is.
These are the conversations we have in the Expanded Liberation Society so you begin to get into an expansive state so you begin to feel liberated as well.

Let me know when you read this if people say you need external validation and how this lands for you!
Turn your life into the greatest love affair,
Colleen Gallagher