Colleen Gallagher International

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The deep-rooted systematic issue of the masculine controlling and devaluing the feminine. And How We Transition This.

(When you are a man reading this, you can switch the word men for women)

You have the money to take me on a date, and you have the time to constantly comment on my looks and pick my mind trying to receive my presence for free, which is my business as I am the brand. You have the time to share your intimate breakup and divorce ordeals. Yet you claim you don’t have the money to pay for my books, my knowledge of bridging spirituality and creating a lifestyle career through digital marketing, compensate me for the thousands of hours of work I’ve done on myself while investing nearly $400,000 into my education. This is the masculine exerting force to control, manipulate, and keep the feminine small. Do you think that I require anyone outside of myself to offer me anything? No. I am the prize because of all the work I’ve done, and that deserves compensation and recognition, not just buying me a casual dinner because that’s what feels good for you.

The fact someone I don’t even know is already asking me on a date shows me you are unqualified to take me on a date. Because where you are at in a Consciousness space doesn’t even begin to understand, embody, or radiate a frequency, I would offer my time on a date too. Now let’s be honest, of course, the masculine desires to go out with an attractive, intelligent, talented, self-made successful feminine business leader who is creative and kind. Like hello, that is a no-brainer? Yet, in truth, by you already going “I’m too busy,” or “I do not have the money,” it shows me you lack appreciation for my time and hard work. You are carrying a deep scarcity pattern around. And in truth, you just aren’t that committed to your evolution as you are attempting to leach and hook into my energy work, which I’ve practiced for over two decades.

Now women can do this type of behavior. Yet, it manifests more by manipulating men for money and emotional support, while men manipulate and control the women’s presence and attention. However, overall, we can be better. And this is why I wrote my third book, An Uncompromised Life, because, in essence, the co-created narcissist and co-dependent relationship I created had this full spectrum of emotions. It went through both parties, unable to relate fully, and in many ways, the man asking me to write his book and assist with his digital marketing without paying me, as he thought his attention made up for the value I was bringing. THAT IS NOT HOW THIS WORKS.

The masculine it is your duty and responsibility if you are attracted to a certain type of education, frequency, or experience that a woman offers through her business – YOU PAY FOR IT. Not pay for it by “taking her on a date” to pick her brain about her life’s work without reading or experiencing what her business cultivates. That is just stealing and deceptive.

The feminine is our duty not to manipulate to “get” money and emotional support when we aren’t interested in the man and do not see a future. When you see, something is not going to work, it’s time to close the chapter and move on. It’s not okay to be so afraid to be alone and just use a man to keep him around you, not feel alone or avoid working on healing yourself, so you become empowered to be the creator of your life.

This type of disconnection between the feminine and masculine - male and female – or same-sex relationships – is why we are experiencing the issues we are in this world. Because there is a deep program running trying to have us turn on each other, instead of understanding, deep energetic forces are being channeled through various people’s bodies unbenounced to them. These darker energetic forces manifest within unconscious people’s bodies and then try to manifest into Conscious people’s realities in attempting to hook into the connection of the light, to distract the light from doing its job, which is to multiply the light on this planet. Because this “darker” force can disguise itself as love, attention, financial support, freedom, emotional support, it can distract the light from creating and producing products, solutions, and services that will help this planet move forward. That is why IT IS SUCH A LOW FREQUENCY if people ask people they admire on dates yet claim they don’t have money to support the person they admire life's work. This is toxic, and this needs to be dissolved because this is a demonic energetic space trying to stop the Light. Because you’re asking for time, which is more precious than anything in this world, yet not supporting the journey of how someone became so special. If you do this type of behavior as a man or woman, it’s already given darkness is manifesting within your life, and you’re the only one who holds the key to liberate yourself, not through stealing other people’s time.

So, if you read this, and this, is you and you feel as a woman or man, you haven’t quite yet figured out the relationship and falling in a love connection, and you’re wondering why. Get my third book, An Uncompromised Life, which comes out in 4 days, so we can move through these types of conversations. Because the reason you aren’t in a relationship you desire isn’t because there are not amazing men or women out there. It’s because you still get to take responsibility for a frequency you are carrying, through awareness of the lower frequencies, heal them, and then allow yourself to radiate a new transformed frequency to attract what you desire. So, you, BECOME the man or woman that the love of your life is naturally drawn to you instead of you trying to chase.

Let me know what comes up.
I love you,