Colleen Gallagher International

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The Different Results The Healing and Wounded Masculine Recieve From Life

I was having a conversation with a guy friend lately about the difference between a man who is healing and a man who is wounded.

The man who is healing is open, available, and honest about his wounds, the things he feels ashamed of, as he knows by sharing them with the feminine, she carries a special power to transmute these denser frequencies into lightness. The feminine is the alchemist of energy, receiving your every word. When you are honest about your life experience, she can offer relief of the pain, like magically stitching a heart back together by simply being present with the true healing that is desiring to take place. And this man every time will attract the woman where other men think I wish I had that not because of what life appears to be, but because men can feel the deep love story unfolding through your actual lifestyle.

So, men, how do you attract the feminine women and tangible business assets that will offer you to return to a state of wholeness and true achievement?

  1. Begin to acknowledge you carry a frequency. When you dissociate from your past life experiences, your frequency becomes denser. There are stuck emotions inside your body that emit the frequency of woundedness, so you attract wounded women. – Keeping the cycle of drama on repeat – instead of doing the inner work

  2. Understand that the feminine and masculine energies are something you must make peace of within you to thrive in this new-world arena.

  3. Trust that technology is a feminine frequency – Steve jobs created Apple through sensing it via plant medicine - and technology provides an opportunity for connection and community without having to be in the exact location physically – this is the proper expansion of the feminine frequency – and everyone should have a brand on technology in some capacity

  4. Take action to get into learning communities that are going to empower you as a man to better understand the energetics of who you, so you master yourself which results in mastering your business and financial life because you will begin to do things that are only in alignment with your Soul not just for results.

  5. Lastly, know that the old paradigm of dating and doing business are complete. Money is a feminine frequency, and as we balance the two energies, money cannot be chased after, captured, ignored, stolen, or mistreated. Money is a sacred frequency that represents the number of people you impact daily is the more significant your bank account becomes.

This is precisely why I have created my Change Your Relationship with Money Online Course because I want to support those of you with the masculine energy to understand a new era is upon us. Your money struggle, your feelings of frustration that your online community isn’t growing is simply because you're missing the key to understanding how the feminine within you is attracting or repulsing the tangible feminine frequency achievements you desire to obtain!

Some of the results people have received have been phenomenal such as:

  • Within 2 weeks of Colleen’s Change Your Relationship with Money Course I was able to get on the phone to speak with 3 investors interested in investing $25k each, a total of $75k for my project. - Edward

  • Listened to week 2 and I send 2 invoices. That is growth. That is bada$$ - Tricia

  • As soon as I invested in the Change Your Relationship with Money Course I had a random person buy an online program that I haven’t sold in a while so I got my return on investment before week 1 even started. & at the end of the program"Thanks. ton for your help, it was really refreshing. I am super glad I said yes! What a magical thing that was." - Sterling

  • Woke up to a customer placing an order this morning. (twenty minutes later)- MAKE THAT TWO NEW CUSTOMERS TODAY. & I just paid all my credit card debt off - Now I only have $2,600 of my last student loans to pay off - Sara

  • It all is happening so fast that my head is still spinning. $$$$$$$ yea that is right and lots of it. I know this mindset you teach has everything to do with it - Sonya

There is nothing I’d love more than for you to be the next person who changes your relationship with money, becomes the man who is healing, and attracts the women, money goals, and achievements of your dreams. Click here to enroll.

I love you,
