Colleen Gallagher International

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What is the Hardest Part About Relationships & how do we Move Through it?

The hardest part about life but especially in relationships, is accepting the feelings that come alive when we learn the truth about someone, something, or a specific event that took place instead of what we dreamed up in our mind.


See when we all begin our journey of falling in love with rose-colored glasses, with big, huge eyes, dreaming of what our fairytale relationship will look like, feel like. We go based on the movies of these big grand gestures; we tap into this magical ideal land of what we WISH would happen. We want luxury dinner dates, big surprises, and fantastic s3x beyond belief. We want luxury, everything. We want an excellent partner and parental figure—someone who can do it all.


And we dream this dream of who our partner is. They are this perfect person, with thoughts only about us. They always take the trash out. They read our minds and know everything we want at every given moment.


But what happens when the TRUTH settles in?
And this person forgets to take out the trash.
Life happens, and there are money struggles, so the dinner dates stop.
What happens when your child's sick, both of you have an essential work meeting the next day, and you are scrambling to make it all work?
What happens when another person has a se3xual desire that another doesn't have?


This dream relationship we dreamed up now hits a dose of reality, and we must come to the point of acceptance that this dream relationship that was magic and butterflies is now not that. We must accept that our dreams and the reality we are facing has a disturbance.


We have two options:

One, have a conversation that will be emotional, slightly painful, and require a desire from both parties to resolve this conflict. It requires both people to have emotional intelligence and communication skills where each person takes responsibility for their desires, needs, and what they feel they can live with. But there must be a point where both of you acknowledge and accept whatever conflict or disturbance happened in the ideal "Dream" relationship, which needs attention. There needs to be a point of acceptance that the relationship cannot return to how it was. This can happen if someone finds out they cannot get pregnant when that was part of the plan. That someone cheated. That someone must change their career path for their family, etc. A grieving conversation within the relationship of what could have been must take place, so newfound gratitude can occur for what is yet to come in the relationship.


Two, you must realize whatever this "truth" about the relationship that was found out may end and transition the relationship. If someone wants a divorce, cheated, becomes vegan, no longer drinks, opens the relationship, decides more monogamy, children, or wants to train to become great at a specific sport, etc. It must be accepted that the relationship will end and transition. There are some things where no amount of communication, talking through, or any tactic can allow a connection to move forward. So, the only option is to accept the grieving of a relationship and move on.


But why do so many struggles with this acceptance piece?
They struggle because it means you feel you were wrong in the way you judged someone's character.
It means you feel like you chose the wrong person or did something wrong to make your dreams in this relationship shatter!
But you didn't do anything wrong.
And there is nothing you could have done to change someone else's behavior in a relationship.
In this acceptance of new truth, you must allow yourself to go through the feeling of grief.


Grief she's a tricky emotion.  
Because she needs a lot of attention, she cannot be suppressed, and it's no one's fault she is present.
But grief through a relationship happens when you accept what you once thought would happen no longer will.
And the person you were who wanted to create memories in life with someone can no longer be possible. Because you are evolving, you want something different in life.
So, there must be an acceptance of who you once were; what you once wanted is no longer alive.
And this process takes a minute.
Accepting we change, we evolve, we expand.
Knowing that means some people we wanted in our lives will no longer be in our lives.
And this process of emotional overwhelm is okay.
You are safe in it.
You are safe in this, even within your relationship evolving and expanding to a more connected place.


The key to a successful relationship or moving forward to your destined relationships is accepting that the truth of what your relationship will look like is constantly evolving, expanding, and moving. Sometimes that means you grow together, and others, you grow apart.

However, always learning to accept the truth that may be different than the way you dreamed of the relationship is key to the relationship becoming a Soul Aligned Destiny Relationship!

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Also, I am offering specials in all my relationship bundles.
Here are the details below.

First 1:1 relationship and coaching package, simply message me, "relationships," and we can go over this! Most of my clients come to me with relationship issues and walk away, filled with the relationships of their dreams in all areas of life. [Also, we have a match-making service included for this]


Second, my how to overcome heartbreak and attract love workshop! This is where I teach you how past trauma may affect your ability to relate and connect. How do we acknowledge this, hold this, and release this so that we can attract the right relationships?


Third, my workshop for men How to Make the Awakened Woman Crave You? This is for men who want to attract quality women.

Fourth my third book, An Uncompromised Life – How to Overcome Heartbreak & Trauma, Experience the Unexplainable and Truly Fall in Love.

FIFTH, The Wisdom Channel!

This will be a private Telegram Channel where I share channeled wisdom a minimum of three times a week, Monday-Friday! This will be the most intimate content from my journal thoughts, prayers, activations, and commentary on current events!
It's a monthly subscription!


I love you,