Colleen Gallagher International

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Three Steps on How to Become More Open to Experience Your Cosmic Love Relationship

Every person you talk to, interact with and meet you are in a relationship with.

Now, these relationships may feel painful, frustrating, or like they will never become good. But in truth, you must begin to understand that you are in a relationship within every moment you communicate with the external world.


The question becomes, how do you align to a place of a love so grand that love happens within all your relationships?
Where can love be present for the person who cuts you off in traffic?
Where can you make love available amidst an argument?
Where can you make love available when there is no money to pay the bills?
How do you make love the experience that is created throughout a lifetime through the Uber driver, the restaurant server, the frustration of feeling like someone is trying to take advantage of you or put you down?


Well, it doesn't happen by a magic wand just coming into your life, and everything changes.
No experiencing love and getting a shot at love; there is a science to it besides just a shot in the dark.
There is a way where you can curate an environment so that your shot at love has a much higher chance than just hoping and praying one day it will fall into your lap.
I feel like I have nailed the secret of love.
Therefore, my life is filled with love.
Filled with love from men, clients, family, and all the seemingly "random" (even though not so random) strangers.

And I want to share my secrets with you on what brings love into your life.
And I will do this in my 90 Days Cosmic Lover's Experience, where I teach you what I know about love.
However, I want to share a few things with you here

1)    You are in a relationship with the people, things, places, and world around you every moment you walk through life. You relate to nature, technology, the person liking and commenting on your post. The person you saw last week. You are relating within every moment in life. However, it is up to you how deep you are connecting with the world around you at every moment. If you cannot connect to the small things in life, you will not connect to the big grand love you want. For example, if you cannot taste the beauty of a latte or tea someone makes for you how will you taste the beauty of a wedding cake that you have tasted 50 samples to find the right perfect flavor on your special day. So, begin to take a self-inventory of how you are connecting with the world. HONESTLY ask yourself how you usually feel about the world and people throughout your daily life? Are you more angry and bitter towards the world, thinking bad things will always happen? Ask yourself how you can begin to feel more love and connection to the world and with each person you interact with.

2)    If you were to meet the love of your life right now – would you be ready for that person? Do you have the habits in place for challenging conversations and how to navigate those with grace? Do you have routines in place and ideas of what you will do to keep the relationship exciting after the honeymoon phase fizzles? Do you have dreams of where you want the relationship to go instead of asking the other person to constantly develop ideas on what to do to deepen the relationship or demanding them to submit to your lifestyle?

3)    Are you taking the daily opportunities people give you to connect on love instead of anger? The person who honks at you or cuts you off instead of yelling at them in your car you say – bless you may your day become joyful. Are you practicing when things don't go as planned, or your way to open your heart and say, well, something better is yet to come? Or are you always blaming the world, choosing not to see the magic and beauty? Because if you're doing this now, you will do the same thing to your Beloved in a relationship. This energy of our response and reaction transfers to our relationships because we are always learning how to navigate this life with love. Because we plan for a perfect life, but often, we receive imperfection. Because if you want a cosmic love – deep one – profound – memorable, and sustainable, the question is, are you ready to navigate the turmoil and imperfections of life with love, comedy, and fun? Or will you revert to the angry and fearful patterns of the world?

And when you review these three things about your own life you will come to an easy conclusion of why you have love or don’t. Or why your journey is going a certain way with love.
Love doesn't just happen; it is crafted in a specific environment where you begin to have a relationship with your Soul – your heart – and beginning to tap into the magic of a cosmic connection means that you both have been searching for each other so that together combined you create a life beyond your wildest dreams.

This is why I have crafted The Cosmic Lover's Circle. – we begin on February 14th.
Because I want more people to fall in love. More people to know what I do about love and begin to live a happier and more fulfilled life.
I will be guiding each of you who are the hopeless romantics to become the hopeful romantics.

We will have 6 group calls – 1 every two weeks.
You will have three private 1:1 calls with me.
You will have 24/7 access to me in private to talk about your dating conversations, create your dating profile, create dating desires, move from in-person meetings to date, overcome heartbreak/divorce, how to reflect on conversations you've had on dates, so you get the result you want, or whenever you're out meeting people.
Men – You will get the how to make the awaken women crave you workshop - $333 by itself
Women – you will get the how-to overcome heartbreak and attract love workshop - $333 by itself
We start on February 14th, and I'm only taking a few people.

I will be your private cosmic dating support system to teach you – guide you – and empower you with everything that's allowed me to experience DEEP PROFOUND love affairs and relationships repeatedly with precision – accuracy – and a lifetime of reflecting on the fantastic memories each man has provided me with.
So even long after the relationship was over – the good they gave me lived within me – and the good of me lives within them.

This is so epic.
And I'm excited
You read this, and you know it's time for you to shift your love story narrative of one from stress – worry – anxiety – fear into a BEYOND sexy, fulfilled, fun, and DIVINE relationship that blows your mind.

You know – you are called – your cosmic love story or love stories is awaiting…
This will be the most profound love experience and THE MOST fun 90 days you will have in your entire life. I PROMISE YOU THAT.
The s3x, the relationships, the memories, the dates, the laughter – you will wonder why you didn't learn any of this sooner<3


Message me to enroll as I will be your love consultant. And I cannot GUARANTEE you'll find THE ONE, but I can guarantee that you will co-create memories with amazing people that will last you a lifetime.
You will finally become the star of your own movie.

Message me, "I am ready for my cosmic love affair."
We can start the enrollment process.
This is ONLY if you are serious about finding love – done with the bullshit – and you are willing to truly OWN all of you – because what I teach here works 1000000% but only if you are willing.

I love you,