Colleen Gallagher International

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Tired of Telling Yourself you don’t Have the Money for What You Want or Hearing Your Clients Say This to you?

I just wrote something brilliant.

I often have coaches, business owners, etc. share with me that the biggest thing they hear clients say is I don't have the money or some of my potential clients share this.
Or that it’s not all about the money it’s about the art. 

And hearing or sharing that there isn’t enough money is simply just a lie – money is a natural resource. So, stop lying – there is an insane amount of money between every country and currency exchanged a day.
Sure, you can be short on money – you can have budgeting outlines – you may need a second to move money around or create money. 
Yet there is no such thing as not having money to invest into yourself, your business, or your passion project. 

I hate to break it to you yet as a cancer survivor if you were to get diagnosed with something like cancer, you wouldn’t hear the words out of your mouth speak I don’t have the money. You would come out of life like a bat flying out of a cave to do everything to find the money for yourself or your child.

So what people are sharing when they say I don’t have the money is that I yet don’t have the belief in myself that whatever you’re offering as a consultant, coach, business owner, that this investment is going to get me an ROI because I don’t yet believe what is truly inside of me will offer me a monetary result. 

And every time we tag an investment into ourselves solely based on a monetary result, we lose. 
As our investment in ourselves in our education, moving our passion project is much more than just a monetary result – yes it will come in ways BEYOND what you could ever imagine. Yet what is greater is the emotional liberation, the confidence, to finally be who we always knew we were meant to be. And being able to BREATHE knowing you are ACTUALLY supported in who you truly are.

Yes, investing into yourself, creating money, or putting money into your passion when it looks like you won’t have enough money for your bills – THIS IS HOW YOUR PURPOSE WORKS. 
Changing your habits isn’t going to come wrapped in a big bow of here is your cake without you making any effort. 
I mean this law is the same law for health, wealth, relationships. If you don’t change your habits, take a leap in the name of faith, you will always, I mean ALWAYS stay stuck living a mediocre life, living paycheck to paycheck because what you have you done to earn or deserve the universe to shower you in blessings?
You aren’t sharing your gifts with the world, trying to scale the talents the Universe gave you; you aren’t being honest and integral with your relationships about who you really are and what you want to achieve out of this world, or even who you want to be. 
Why would you be the lucky winner of the life lottery?
So why would the Universe make your life easier when you aren’t doing anything to show your gratitude for your life, the universe, or your sole purpose of being here which is to help other people rise?
Why would you get to wake up and work from your bed, earn income while sleeping - you have shown no commitment.

Remember every moment is your choice to say, “you know what I don’t know how this is going to work out with money, yet I’m going to trust myself.” 
I am going to know that I am meant for more in this life and take the scary leap of faith.
And in that, I am going to trust that in this change of habit – in this change of mindset my life will finally stop being like the rest of the world living a mediocre life.
Instead, I will take the courageous act to begin living my purpose and getting paid to be me.

And this is exactly why I have created my four-week self-study Change Your Relationship with Money Course.
I look forward to seeing you inside and guiding you on your transformation with your relationship with money and empowering your clients to shift their relationship with money.

I love you,