What is a Frequency Shift and How Do You Go Through One?


A topic that is becoming increasingly talked about is quantum physics, energy, and frequency. It is becoming mainstream for people to have conversations that focus on you become what you think about, you are the sum of the five people you hang around, and you are the co-creator of your reality with every thought, written word, and spoken word. To further this, as we are arguably already in the artificial intelligence (AI) stage of life, where every click, follow, share, and search allows us to go through a frequency shift as we navigate the virtual world, becoming part of our daily rituals.


Today, I visited one of my favorite micro-cities in Los Angeles, Larchmont Village, and I went to add two more dollars to my meter as my time was up. There was a man there, and he just arrived.

He goes, “no, no, I already have my card out. I’m going to do my meter and yours.”

I responded with the excitement of, “WOW, thank you so much!”

He goes, “does this happen to you often?”

I said, “Well, I have a belief no matter where I go, I always receive a green meter.”

He said, “Ah, the good juju.” (And a good friend of mine is named Juju, so she was letting me know she is with me through this man – this is how the world of energy works)


I began to laugh because how is it this seemingly random stranger paid the two dollars for two more hours on my parking meter, and I got him to say the word juju? Well, it’s because I’m tapping into a frequency. I align to higher energy. Yet, how do you begin to create your life as a constant frequency shift of miracles, magic, and a real-life love affair better than the movies can even showcase?


It comes back to understanding the embodiment of frequency and energy. Frequency and energy are the essence of who you are. As we’ve gone through life in our physical body, we’ve become a bit muddy, and dirt has been splattered onto us, bruises and dents have been put upon us. Think about this like an automotive car. If you drove the same car (your body) for twenty, thirty, forty, or even fifty years and never took the time to create space to notice all the attachments, cords, dirt, drama, chaos, and issues that have molded into you, your vehicle would be a mess. Well, your body and mindset are the same. They become dirty, outdated, and dinged up unless attended to. It is required you create space to clear stories going on in your mind, past traumatic experiences, and generational habits from your lineage. Otherwise, you will be walking around with a lot of dirt, dents, and malfunctions because you have not attended to your body (vehicle) in years. This results in a frequency shift being required to allow you to move out of your current reality that seems just to be piling up in debt, issues, failed relationships, and never-ending emotional chaos into a state of pure bliss, pleasure, and excitement.


So how do you begin to know if you are going through a frequency shift in your life?


Well, almost every day via social media or in-person, I have people come up to me and tell me, “You look familiar. It feels like I know you from somewhere.” I usually respond with, “no idea, do you practice energetics?” The typical response is, “no, yet tell me more.” This is an example of a frequency shift, where naturally people feel drawn to me, they feel like I am familiar to them, yet in truth, I’ve never met them in the physical reality. This is a powerful place to be as a human because when people feel like they know you, it creates an instant connection for trust to be present and feelings of safety to arise. I’ve cultivated this in my life because I’m someone who functions highly beyond my physical body. My thoughts are constantly thinking of my future and what conversations I want to have five, ten, and twenty years from now. I notice the types of people I love to be around and the types of people that drain my energy where I begin to dissociate from my body and become disconnected from the present moment. Since I am in this constant state of self-awareness and reflecting real-time when something lowers my frequency and what is enhancing my frequency, I constantly shift my thoughts, environment, and state of being to expand into what I desire to create in every moment. This inherently is a frequency shift.


For example, I was in debt for $160,000. I got $100,000 of it paid off, then the other $60,000 my bank ended up selling to a third party, and I negotiated the $60,000 down to a $20,000 payment. How does this happen because I’ve created a life experience where my life only gets better? I could have been super stressed about this additional $60,000, yet I just kept focusing on designing, on trusting that somehow it would all get taken care of. And guess what it did, I didn’t rush it, I didn’t try to figure it out, I just kept focusing on my purpose, and of course, the Universe delivered another gift for me to invest this money in education, and then I didn’t have to pay it all back. Now to be fair, if this $160,000 would have been wasted money on clothes, cards, etc. I don’t think the Universe would have delivered this solution, yet this $160,000 worth of debt all went into my education for my future and my life mission, so the frequency came back to me.


Yet this is a self-reflection habit of becoming aware of your frequency. Then willing to choose to move towards environments, people, and conversations that allow me to feel expansive, my soul feels lit up, my mind feels excited. Time seems to fly by with creative ideas instead of filled with the toxicity of worry. This habit of becoming self-reflective is one of the best things you can do for your evolution and your initiation into living a Conscious life, where you become the embodiment of a lightworker where frequency shifts happen to you on a moment to moment based. Where you become a magnet that magnetizes magical experiences to you. So, what are some tangible things you can do to start becoming self-reflective and regularly go through these frequency shifts?


·    Begin to notice how are you feeling when you are around people – then make habits to only be around people that make you feel alive

· Notice what environments excite you vs. drain you (I love the sun and I hate the shade this is important for me)

· What type of music do you listen to that inspires you to become creative and release anger and toxicity?

· Create a daily practice that guides you to check in on yourself. Are you living a life that is true to you or living a life that is trying to make everyone else happy

· Put an alarm on your phone every hour to check where you are at with your feelings – stressed, happy, anxious, sad - to begin tracking what you are feeling the majority of most days

· Become very particular and mindful of who you listen to and follow-on media channels as that largely influences your nervous system and how your neurons fire in your brain


Lastly, to go deeper into this, I recommend my self-study Manifestation Course where I dive deep into teaching you about frequency, energy, and how it relates to growing your career.

I hope this serves. Let me know what comes up.
I love you.



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