Colleen Gallagher International

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What is the Number One Killer of the Masculine?

NOTE**: The masculine does not mean men even though many men do embody the masculine as do many high-achieving, successful and driven women.


I met with an astrologer at the end of March and he shared that he really wanted me dating again, as I cut that part out of my life after the trauma, I endured surrounding my third book An Uncompromised Life.
So, I said, “Okay.”
And I went on a big dating spree the last few months, and I feel I really have got a very good understanding from direct experience and research on a pulse of the masculine. Now to be fair I did tell these men what I was doing if I was in fact including them in my dating pool and study, and there were a couple of men I really liked and told them they were not included. I was really getting to know them until I or they saw it wouldn’t be a fit in the long term.

The energy of the masculine has built us roads, gotten us postage stamps, railroads, countries, trade agreements, businesses, it has provided an AMAZING structure for all of us to function every day without really thinking about how we are going to move from point a to point b. We just know we will get there because the foundation has been laid.


And now the masculine feels alone, isolated as no one understands.
The masculine’s communication channel has been blocked, almost like it cannot breathe because it is walking on eggshells to say the correct thing and not offend anyone.
So quite literally the masculine expression and lifeforce are being stripped away.

Leaving the masculine backed into a little corner, like a scared little child, until an explosion happens, and then everyone around is SHAMING & BLAMING the masculine for this explosive behavior. When in truth, all of society has been trying to force the masculine into a little corner, so it’s no surprise an explosion is occurring.


This can be related to something like a pandemic EXPLODING because everyone’s been doing, doing, doing, trying to bulldoze right through what their body has been trying to communicate for a long time. Or avoiding that a relationship is beyond done, yet the masculine thinks if it just keeps providing everything will get better – when this is not the answer – a course correction of a different action needs to be taken.

I mean think about it a health issue arising is an explosion of the masculine, because the masculine has been told to cover up not feeling well, to push through the pain, to do everything for the feminine so the feminine remains happy and can become empowered to rise. Yet at times this can be at a great cost to the masculine because the masculine is in pain, the body is trying to communicate to let the body know, that the inner feminine within someone needs to express certain emotions, needs to be paid attention to, yet instead, the masculine just bulldozes over to keep getting results.

And when this happens a piece of you begins to die, because every time you ignore the signals from your body, that inner voice that is guiding you to say no to everyone else and yes to you, you betray yourself. And when you betray yourself, you betray everyone involved, because you act in ways that are out of alignment which builds resentment, and you shoving yourself further in the corner until the explosion finally happens.


The masculine in you desires to be seen, expressed, held, cared for, and supported but this can only happen when the feminine is paid attention to within you. Without you noticing your inner emotions, being Intune and in touch with the masculine more creative side, the side of true beingness, the side of presence, this will isolate the masculine over time, and eventually cause loneliness to be the case, where the masculine feels like no one understands the masculine. And from this place of feeling like no one understands the masculine dis-ease occurs where various diseases and injuries begin to take over the body because the body is responding to the emotional response of feeling unseen over years, decades, or even a lifetime.


So, what can you do as the masculine to begin to empower yourself to feel seen every moment, every day and truly create relationships, a career, and a lifestyle that will empower you to forever feel free?

1.     You must begin to understand the power of masculine and feminine energy this is a NON-NEGOTIABLE for where the world is heading.

2.     The masculine must SLOW down to hear the inner voice, or is this what I want to be doing? Does this feel good to provide emotional, financial, or investing time to support this person, company, or brand? If the answer is NO – you must stop and learn to follow what feels good, then take the damn action for results from this place

3.     Begin to transform your language to no one loves me or understands me, I desire to be understood and loved.

4.     Really ponder that we are no longer in a world where you are here to be a provider for someone’s state of being, instead you are here to provide support through the structure to guide and empower the feminine to rise as an independent instead of a codependent.

5.     When you feel loneliness coming up, or suppression of you cannot say what is on your mind – begin to ask yourself, “Am I actually in the right environment for me to live out my purpose?”


These are some practical steps to get you going on your healing journey, for you to become empowered so your masculine begins to feel seen by you, your feminine begins to feel appreciated because of the emotions, the desire to do it all, the ALL THE THINGS THE MASCULINE CAN PROVIDE, can only be received by the healthy feminine energy when the masculine begins to understand the energetics of the world and balance its own inner masculine and feminine to get the results in relationships, career, and overall lifestyle.


And this is exactly why I created my workshop on Understanding Energetics in Your Career, Business & Life. Because without this knowledge I teach I would probably still be on my cancer medication for the rest of my life, I would be stuck living in a 9-5 job believing that I couldn’t actually create my own brand or idea of a freedom lifestyle, and I defiantly would never of went for my dreams all in to get massive results because I would have always been considering that I’d be alone, I’d feel unseen, and that no one would want to listen to me, because I was wounded from all the toxic narratives this world is trying to place upon the masculine, to actually stop the masculine from taking action on the truth of who the masculine is meant to be and represent in this life.


This workshop has three videos that go over:

 👀Video 1 - Understanding the masculine in your career, life, relationships, creating systems, processes, automation, filtering, engaging, etc.

🌺Video 2 - Connecting with the feminine in creating your career, community building, organic growth, lead generation from magnetism, knowing how to tap into your frequency and emotional state to shift it, plus a sound activation.

💛Video 3 – How to balance the masculine and feminine energy within your life and career.


Click here to enroll in this workshop because this will 100% change your relationship with others, guide you to feel more empowered about where the state of your career is heading, as well as begin ROCKING it to increase results in your income, impact, and overall emotional state.


And it’s time to take your health into your own hands, to feel alone no longer in this world, yet empowered in who you were always meant to become.


I love you,
