You Cannot be a “Broke” Healer or Lightworker and Expect to Be Taken Seriously

I have a large community and following of people in the corporate sector or doing hourly jobs to “get” money, retire, and one day start your passion project. This behavior is EQUALLY AS POISONOUS and toxic as businesspeople like Jeffrey Epstein. Because you are receiving money from a broken and dark force. On top of this, those who proclaim to be “healers” or “Lightworkers” but don’t have full bank accounts; this is the same thread of darkness as well.


Now you may say, WOAH, that is intense, Colleen. Yet, in reality, it’s the same thread of darkness that is being represented. Where both situations, you are allowing yourself to function inside of a system to receive money instead of showing up in life being and creating who you are meant to become. (Feel free to listen to episode 42-45 on my podcast for more on the “system”)

Now yes, money isn’t everything. Yet if you are living your life to receive money or in the stress of money, inherently, your life is about money instead of being the healer, Lightworker, and creator you are here to become. Because what I’ve learned to be true is that money represents a reflection of the number of people you are impacting. The more people you are impacting, the greater amount of money you will receive in unexpected ways. I’ve seen this in my own life the past 3.5 years in accelerated ways.  

 Yet if you keep running the excuses of when:

  • I have the money

  • I have the time

  • My life slows down with the kids, spouse, and family

  • I am a healed healer

  • I feel safe

  • I feel enough

  • The timing feels right 

THEN I’ll start the journey. Just NO.

You are allowing the darker forces of this world to control you and win mentally. That is just a fact. Anything you do out of feeling like you “need” money is the same programming as slave coding. Slavery was something horrible and should never be tolerated. Yet, the system created slavery where you are forced to work for someone or something because there wasn’t another option. We live in an era where you are here reading this; you have another option.


And by choosing to stay stuck in the same loop (which, trust me, I understand and wrote a whole book about breaking free from this), you are the one who is allowing the darkness to manifest in your life no one else.

And until you decide with conviction that there will never be the right time, there will never be the perfect amount of money in the account, yet deep down, you CLAIM yes today is the day that I will transform my life and never look back.

Today is my day to start my journey to Soul Liberation.

That is the day you become an empowered healer and Lightworker.
You are empowering people to get out of the loop of relying on Big Pharma, the News, and the external system. Instead, you become the EMBODIMENT of the healer and Lightworker, not just one day talking about it, not just complaining about all the wealthy people doing it all wrong. Instead, you become one of the wealthy people yourself.


The worst thing in the Creator, Healer realm is when I see so many people claiming they are from the Light; they are Healers. Yet, in reality, if you don’t have a business or creations to support this, it is a disembodied and disintegrated intention and reality.


And this is why I believe in my work so profoundly in bringing the Spiritual World into the Business World because the creations, the ancient teachings, the experiences we offer of self-reflection and healing, the breakthroughs, the transformation, the frequencies, the channelings, it is all real. However, if it’s not EMBODIED, and there’s no confirmation coming through in the physical in the form of money as we in a human experience, then, in turn, you are representing the same Consciousness you keep complaining about with “wealthy people.”


This type of mindset moving away from being paid every two weeks, saving every penny to retire early, thinking the impact can only happen once the money arrives, is exactly what I help my clients with. If you study True Healers, Enlightened Ones who Heal, Teach & Empower all have wealth beyond your wildest dreams, and most of the time, you cannot find them publicly until you have allowed yourself to reach a specific frequency, where money isn’t even a thought in your mind. The thoughts running in your mind come down to alignment, stillness, and peace, which results in guided action for your reality to shift beyond your wildest dreams.

This type of shift from focusing on money, monetizing or starting your passion project, creating your healing journey, or Lightworker practice in the online world is exactly what I help my clients with. I’ve empowered all types of clients from reiki, mediums, healers, massage therapist, breathwork, singers, writers, poets, corporate executives coming out of the closet, tantra, to become THE EMBODIMENT of what they know to be accurate in this life experience. Instead of working at a job or in an industry that guides you to “unknowingly” work for a darker force out of fear for monetary stability. Because beginning to live a life true to you is what you can do as one person to anchor Light on this planet and be part of this Earth transition to bring Consciousness mainstream.


Message me to learn more about becoming a private client and turning your dreams of becoming a healer and Lightworker into your full-time career.

I love you,



💁‍♀️🧚🏽👫 How to Connect Deeply With Great Women?👫🧚🏽💁‍♀️


The deep-rooted systematic issue of the masculine controlling and devaluing the feminine. And How We Transition This.