Colleen Gallagher International

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Five Things Woman Do That Turn Off the Healthy Masculine

As many of you know, it's no secret that I'm a hopeless romantic that has turned into a hopeful romantic.


are trying to control them, expecting them to be here – there – everywhere. And trust me, I know this one so well as someone who likes to be the creator of my reality, I'd love to have a box that someone just fits into, but that isn't how relating works. Relating comes from the heart, and it cannot be controlled like many other areas of our lives! So become mindful of how much you are nagging, needing, and requesting within this as it screams a red flag of control in the long-term.

2)     Being unable to communicate due to fear of being yelled at honestly, judged, maybe physically abused, AND some of us just lie to lie, which is not healthy or okay. However, the moment a lie is told, a little white lie or a big lie, it's over. For example, when I was $100,000 in debt, I felt so much shame, LIKE SO MUCH. And I remember I called one very financially successful guy friend of mine, and he was listening to me and said, "Colleen, where your dreams are taking you, this is so small." However, I was so afraid to tell men I was dating I had debt, and until I began to not lie about it, it was interesting the type of men I attracted almost immediately shifted. Even when my bank accounts were hacked, I went on a date, and I had a guy offer to give me cash, so I had access to some while my accounts were getting unlocked as they were frozen due to its severity! Like how sweet! I didn’t take the offer but I thought it was sweet.

3)    To not show up on time or follow through on commitments we made with them because of womanly things. Time is essential to everyone, and when as women, we make a commitment on a specific time and don't follow through or COMMUNICATE A DECENT AMOUNT OF TIME BEFORE why we cannot follow through on commitments; this is a huge frustration point. Faithful men have worked VERY hard to be impeccable to their word, so when there is a commitment under do emotional, beauty, or random reason, is there an excuse not to show up or be late.

4)    The constant questioning of what they are doing, where they are, or what is happening. This is SO CHALLENGING, especially as an intuitive because we can go "spy" on people even if they are not physically around us to see what is up or what is going on. Then we can FEEL things and make a lot of inferences that may be true. But the fact we are even at this place shows we are addicted to unhealthy patterns, and the true masculine will feel this and want no part of it. Because when they are with you, they will give you ALL OF YOU just as they expect when they are not with you to be giving ALL OF THEM – their presence to whatever task they are doing within their life at that moment

5)    Emotionally vomiting – ugh, this is the worse. This is when as a woman, we are over-emotional, chaotic, not able to cognitively communicate what we are feeling, and we push ourselves over the edge to just begin bringing up all the past things, everything under the sun of what is wrong, and cause a drama. This happens when we feel hurt, betrayed, unseen, or just if we are unwell.

Each of these is a massive red flag to a masculine design, and it would immediately signal you are not ready for the relationship you are claiming you so deeply desire.


Those of you women wonder how I've mastered these five red flags. It's not that I no longer experience them or that I'm perfect I've just learned how to navigate these emotions and challenges in a sexy, hawt, playful, and fun way. Then my Cosmic Lover's Circle is for you! As I never have a shortage of men in my life, this is for you as I'm giving you all my secrets.

For men, I share with you my top secrets on how to guide a woman you love to rise into this or attract a woman who has already mastered these five red flags.
These secrets work for men and females, and it is never too late regardless of age!
Shoot, I have some clients right now who are FAR older than me, and their dating life is super HAWT.


I will be guiding each of you who are the hopeless romantics to become hopeful romantics.
We will have 6 group calls – 1 every two weeks.
You will have three private 1:1 calls with me.
You will have 24/7 access to me in private to talk about your dating conversations, create your dating profile, create dating desires, move from in-person meetings to date, overcome heartbreak/divorce, how reflect on conversations you've had on dates, so you get the result you want, or whenever you're out meeting people.
Men – You will get the how to make the awaken women crave you workshop - $333 by itself
Women – you will get the how-to overcome heartbreak and attract love workshop - $333 by itself
We start on February 14th, and I'm only taking a few people.


I will be your private cosmic dating support system to teach you – guide you – and empower you with everything that's allowed me to experience DEEP PROFOUND love affairs and relationships repeatedly with precision – accuracy – and a lifetime of reflecting on the fantastic memories each man has provided me with.
So even long after the relationship was over – the good they gave me lived within me – and the good of me lives within them.
This is so epic.
And I'm excited

You read this, and you know it's time for you to shift your love story narrative of one from stress – worry – anxiety – fear into a BEYOND sexy, fulfilled, fun, and DIVINE relationship that blows your mind.
You know – you are called – your cosmic love story or love stories is awaiting…
This will be the most profound love experience and THE MOST fun 90 days you will have in your entire life. I PROMISE YOU THAT.
The s3x, the relationships, the memories, the dates, the laughter – you will wonder why you didn't learn any of this sooner<3


Click here to enroll

Payment in full $10,000
Payment plan $4,000 per month for 3 months

As I will be your love consultant. And I cannot GUARANTEE you'll find THE ONE, but I can guarantee that you will co-create memories with amazing people that will last you a lifetime.

You will finally become the star of your movie.


Enroll, so your cosmic love story becomes alive and true

Payment in full $10,000
Payment plan $4,000 per month for 3 months


This is ONLY if you are serious about finding love – done with the bullshit – and you are willing to truly OWN all of you – because what I teach here works 1000000% but only if you are willing.
I love you,