Change Your Relationship with Money Course


This course is for you if you've struggled with having any type of relationship with money. You make money yet somehow the money always slips through the cracks and you end up back in debt, stressed about bills coming, or unsure about how you can create your dreams and truly make an income from it?

And you so badly want to believe that you can make money doing what you love, yet for some reason, you keep getting stuck?

Well, this course is for you. I teach you how to change your relationship with money which is truly just changing your relationship with yourself.

  • 4 Recorded 60 Minute Videos - Total Value $4,444

  • 1 Recorded Q&A - Total Value $1,111

  • PLUS both my books SIGNED delivered to you - Value $77

  • Bonus Meditation - Total Value $555

  • Lifetime Access + Upgrades - Total Value $1,997

Yes I am ready to change my relationship with money

This course is for you if you've struggled with having any type of relationship with money. You make money yet somehow the money always slips through the cracks and you end up back in debt, stressed about bills coming, or unsure about how you can create your dreams and truly make an income from it?

And you so badly want to believe that you can make money doing what you love, yet for some reason, you keep getting stuck?

Well, this course is for you. I teach you how to change your relationship with money which is truly just changing your relationship with yourself.

  • 4 Recorded 60 Minute Videos - Total Value $4,444

  • 1 Recorded Q&A - Total Value $1,111

  • PLUS both my books SIGNED delivered to you - Value $77

  • Bonus Meditation - Total Value $555

  • Lifetime Access + Upgrades - Total Value $1,997

This course is for you if you've struggled with having any type of relationship with money. You make money yet somehow the money always slips through the cracks and you end up back in debt, stressed about bills coming, or unsure about how you can create your dreams and truly make an income from it?

And you so badly want to believe that you can make money doing what you love, yet for some reason, you keep getting stuck?

Well, this course is for you. I teach you how to change your relationship with money which is truly just changing your relationship with yourself.

  • 4 Recorded 60 Minute Videos - Total Value $4,444

  • 1 Recorded Q&A - Total Value $1,111

  • PLUS both my books SIGNED delivered to you - Value $77

  • Bonus Meditation - Total Value $555

  • Lifetime Access + Upgrades - Total Value $1,997

What is The Change Your Relationship with Money Online Experience?

Module 1 - Admit You Have a Relationship with Money

We each have a deeply interwoven relationship with money whether we want to admit it or not is up to us.
Money is simply a byproduct of our relationship with energy.
How do you begin to tap into playing with money as an energy that is fun and expansive instead of stressful?
Then I leave with you tactical steps for you to take so you can start to shift your relationship with money and life regardless of what industry you in, your age, your financial situation, this process works for anyone who simply desires to improve the lives of others.

Module 2 - Reclaim Your Power with Money

In this Module, I review understanding what it looks and feels like to reclaim power with your money relationship.
This is a deep dive into understanding the power of energetic vibrations and frequencies manifest in our language and thought patterns which directly impact our relationship with money. And how to become aware of this and upgrade your frequency to begin attracting what you truly desire with consistency and precision.
I empower you to understand the difference between DOING all the damn things verse receiving what is already available for you in this life
Many people associate that the more money you have and the larger social media following you have the more power you have.
This is false as the first time I ran this course my social media accounts are shut down because they were hacked I am at an all-time high in my business almost $10k by the third day of the month
So what is my secret?
I teach you in this module

Module 3 - Know the Difference between Investing, Spending, and Debt
Here I teach you how to create a framework to know if the decisions and choices you are making will guide you to create debt, mindless spending, or getting a return on your investment before you even act.
This is important because the more successful you become you want to begin to shift your mindset to know how to always be investing so that way you are getting returns!

Module 4 - Start Co-Creating with the Universe & Social Media

Social Media can seem scary and people can feel unmotivated to use it as a tool for business. The only reason you are not using social media as a business tool is that you do not yet believe in what your selling or offering can help other people.
In this week I teach you how to become aware of your co-creative energy with the Universe. And how to begin using it consistently.
Then sharing these creations through digital platforms.
We dive deep into the only 3 marketing business strategies (focused on social media yet work for any marketing plan) that work for any and every business, just depending on your goals. We get you thinking of how you can create, scale, and implement your offerings out into the world. Because if you aren't offering any product or service to others, then you cannot receive money.
In this module, I teach you how to create a sustainable community using social media so your brand is creating long-term sustainable customers, and becoming a forever asset.
So it's beginning to understand how to co-create and collaborate in this online world where just be a location we have become limited in our impact, income, and influence capabilities.
I do heavily focus on using social media to expand your co-creative energy from the Universe.
However, what I share can be used in normal everyday in-person networking events.
The focus of this is for you to understand the energetic game we are evolving into with the universe so that you get practical consistent and sustainable results of impacting people's lives and receiving money. As well as learning how to feel fulfilled by the work you're doing to finally understand you can get paid for doing great things in this world.

Why was The Change Your Relationship with Money Online Experience Created

This course was created because I was doing my 2019 taxes in 2020 which was the year I went into $100k of debt and understood how to get out of debt rapidly from energetic alignment.
This empowered me to start realizing why is it some businesses create success and other businesses and people stay stuck?
Well while doing my 2019 taxes I started to realize just how disconnected I was from my money. Because I realized how much I was throwing money at things and expecting so little in return. THE AHA moment came at that moment, if this was happening to me this must be happening to others as well.
So I went into solution mode, how do we help more people overcome this money problem I experienced.
I realized was investing money in mentors that were not delivering on their products. I was throwing money at things to try and be someone I was not. I was giving money away because I so badly desired to be seen and felt. I was literally MAKING tons of money yet it was going out the window because she didn't feel like I deserved to have it all. And deep down I realized that I was spending money in hopes of it allowing me to receive love. Which at a subconscious level I believe we each do without even realizing it.
This all came up while doing my 2019 taxes.
However, I am not a victim I created solutions to my own life problems to move forward as a better human being. And I believe her purpose is to empower you to live into the next layer of your full potential by starting to understand how you spend, invest, and even create debts within your own life.
I deeply understand this is a world of energy that we live in measured in a Hz frequency, science. So I created this 4 module course to help you understand how your money relates to your purpose which relates to how you show up on social media which relates how deeply connected you are you your energetic and spiritual Self.

What Is Included in the 4 Module Program

  • 4 Recorded 60 Minute Videos - Total Value $5,997

  • 1 Recorded Q&A - Total Value $1,111

  • Bonus Meditation - Total Value $555

  • Lifetime Access + Upgrades - Total Value $1,997

Results From Past Students

  • Within 2 weeks of Colleen’s Change Your Relationship with Money Course I was able to get on the phone to speak with 3 investors interested in investing $25k each, a total of $75k for my project. - Edward

  • Listened to week 2 and I send 2 invoices. That is growth. That is bada$$ - Tricia

  • As soon as I invested in the Change Your Relationship with Money Course I had a random person buy an online program that I haven’t sold in a while so I got my return on investment before week 1 even started. & at the end of the program"Thanks. ton for your help, it was really refreshing. I am super glad I said yes! What a magical thing that was." - Sterling

  • Woke up to a customer placing an order this morning. (twenty minutes later)- MAKE THAT TWO NEW CUSTOMERS TODAY. & I just paid all my credit card debt off - Now I only have $2,600 of my last student loans to pay off - Sara

  • It all is happening so fast that my head is still spinning. $$$$$$$ yea that is right and lots of it. I know this mindset you teach has everything to do with it - Sonya

Introduction to Social Media as a Tool to Build and Grow Your Community, Movement and Business