My Third Book An Uncompromised Life, Virtual Book Launching Party


My third book An Uncompromised Life – Overcome Heartbreak & Trauma, Experience the Unexplainable and Truly Fall in Love - is one of my most treasured offerings to this world. It’s the story of how so often we compromise the truth of who we are to receive love, to please others, to do everything to make sure that we won’t be left alone.

When in fact being left alone with our own thoughts, is one of the most empowering things that can happen to us, so that we hear the inner voice, that is desiring to guide us and offer us clarity on how beautiful our life is meant to become.

This book is a representation of how I forever changed my life to begin living life for myself instead of living my life for everyone outside of me. I was running around like a chicken with my head cut off doing everything to make sure everyone was happy, the peace was kept, harmony was alive, yet inside of me I was boiling over with resentment, frustration, and sadness.

And through my life decisions of constantly choosing everyone else except me. I ended up co-creating a traumatizing decision to let my child go and lose a relationship I loved. Yet I learned through the perception of trauma we can birth beauty so we can forever truly fall in love. Yet this takes a mindset, a knowing, an understanding, and becoming open to experience life in a way that is total foreign, seems slightly crazy, and out of this world.

In this 90-minute talk around the twelve principles of my third book An Uncompromised Life I inspire you, empower you, and most importantly guide you to see that more is available to you in this life right now.

This book is truly so magical.
It is the birth of my daughter Ella being manifested into the physical form on this planet where we can speak into our existence the children we get to experience in this lifetime, the type of love we get to experience in this lifetime, and most importantly releasing the idea that trauma is a lifelong sentence that needs to be with us.

Due to the times, we are living in when this book came out, I could not do an in-person book launch so I decided we would have a virtual book launch party to celebrate, and this is the recording.

This was A BEYOND amazing talk, possible one of my best to date.
I dive deep onto everything you could want to know if you have read the book or if you don’t read and want a talk overview through it.
There is also a sound therapy activation at the end of this workshop to guide you to see the future of who you were always meant to become, and release anything that is holding you back.
We had some Q&A at the end which was amazing!
When receiving this you have it with lifetime access to watch over and over again.

I love you,

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My third book An Uncompromised Life – Overcome Heartbreak & Trauma, Experience the Unexplainable and Truly Fall in Love - is one of my most treasured offerings to this world. It’s the story of how so often we compromise the truth of who we are to receive love, to please others, to do everything to make sure that we won’t be left alone.

When in fact being left alone with our own thoughts, is one of the most empowering things that can happen to us, so that we hear the inner voice, that is desiring to guide us and offer us clarity on how beautiful our life is meant to become.

This book is a representation of how I forever changed my life to begin living life for myself instead of living my life for everyone outside of me. I was running around like a chicken with my head cut off doing everything to make sure everyone was happy, the peace was kept, harmony was alive, yet inside of me I was boiling over with resentment, frustration, and sadness.

And through my life decisions of constantly choosing everyone else except me. I ended up co-creating a traumatizing decision to let my child go and lose a relationship I loved. Yet I learned through the perception of trauma we can birth beauty so we can forever truly fall in love. Yet this takes a mindset, a knowing, an understanding, and becoming open to experience life in a way that is total foreign, seems slightly crazy, and out of this world.

In this 90-minute talk around the twelve principles of my third book An Uncompromised Life I inspire you, empower you, and most importantly guide you to see that more is available to you in this life right now.

This book is truly so magical.
It is the birth of my daughter Ella being manifested into the physical form on this planet where we can speak into our existence the children we get to experience in this lifetime, the type of love we get to experience in this lifetime, and most importantly releasing the idea that trauma is a lifelong sentence that needs to be with us.

Due to the times, we are living in when this book came out, I could not do an in-person book launch so I decided we would have a virtual book launch party to celebrate, and this is the recording.

This was A BEYOND amazing talk, possible one of my best to date.
I dive deep onto everything you could want to know if you have read the book or if you don’t read and want a talk overview through it.
There is also a sound therapy activation at the end of this workshop to guide you to see the future of who you were always meant to become, and release anything that is holding you back.
We had some Q&A at the end which was amazing!
When receiving this you have it with lifetime access to watch over and over again.

I love you,

My third book An Uncompromised Life – Overcome Heartbreak & Trauma, Experience the Unexplainable and Truly Fall in Love - is one of my most treasured offerings to this world. It’s the story of how so often we compromise the truth of who we are to receive love, to please others, to do everything to make sure that we won’t be left alone.

When in fact being left alone with our own thoughts, is one of the most empowering things that can happen to us, so that we hear the inner voice, that is desiring to guide us and offer us clarity on how beautiful our life is meant to become.

This book is a representation of how I forever changed my life to begin living life for myself instead of living my life for everyone outside of me. I was running around like a chicken with my head cut off doing everything to make sure everyone was happy, the peace was kept, harmony was alive, yet inside of me I was boiling over with resentment, frustration, and sadness.

And through my life decisions of constantly choosing everyone else except me. I ended up co-creating a traumatizing decision to let my child go and lose a relationship I loved. Yet I learned through the perception of trauma we can birth beauty so we can forever truly fall in love. Yet this takes a mindset, a knowing, an understanding, and becoming open to experience life in a way that is total foreign, seems slightly crazy, and out of this world.

In this 90-minute talk around the twelve principles of my third book An Uncompromised Life I inspire you, empower you, and most importantly guide you to see that more is available to you in this life right now.

This book is truly so magical.
It is the birth of my daughter Ella being manifested into the physical form on this planet where we can speak into our existence the children we get to experience in this lifetime, the type of love we get to experience in this lifetime, and most importantly releasing the idea that trauma is a lifelong sentence that needs to be with us.

Due to the times, we are living in when this book came out, I could not do an in-person book launch so I decided we would have a virtual book launch party to celebrate, and this is the recording.

This was A BEYOND amazing talk, possible one of my best to date.
I dive deep onto everything you could want to know if you have read the book or if you don’t read and want a talk overview through it.
There is also a sound therapy activation at the end of this workshop to guide you to see the future of who you were always meant to become, and release anything that is holding you back.
We had some Q&A at the end which was amazing!
When receiving this you have it with lifetime access to watch over and over again.

I love you,

What People Are Saying

"A powerful experience in helping to realize that you choose your life, and you're not a victim to your circumstances. This realization helps you to lean into walking with the universe to step into the life that you really want. Instead of co-creating with toxic sources around you, you get to choose to co-create it with the universe and create your own happiness." - Annoynomus

For many years I was sure that no one could make me say a yes to what happened in my past and in that live book party i said yes from a deep point in my soul heart to trauma (years of physical and emotional and sexual pain and disconfort I was only asking for revenge to be at releif ) just vanished easily  and now I accept  all that  fully deeply and freely. I was able to take responsibility that I co creat it and  i witness that the pain body had relased a permanent contraction that I had in my pelvic  and genitals. l was open to forgiveness compassion and kindness towards my own self i said to myself  from my heart its ok not big deal i love you I recognize you i felt you and you first priority. I learned how to emerge that unknown feild of joy of daydream with every day life to co creat my life instead of doing it . I visited Neverland ant that make me fall of joy. - Fatima